Correspondence Courses
Many years ago, bro. O.C. Birdwell had an eight lesson course that he used. Later bro. Derrel Shaw asked for permission to use the lessons and he expanded them to twelve lessons. These lessons are being used now in correspondence with some in prison and others who request such. These are offered as a teaching tool, or as an example that others may be free to copy and use in their own ministry.
[It is suggested that you
set up a system to keep track of all of the people taking the course. Names,
dates, response time, and other information whereby you may follow-up.
Most all contact will be via the course.
Towards the end of the course you may inquire about setting up a meeting to
visit with the participants face to face.
Also, if you prepare addressed envelopes with stamps on them, the participant
will be more likely to continue. (Begin this with the return of the first lesson)
It is important is that you return the graded lesson promptly, and the next
lesson (with the stamped envelope included).
When grading, do not be overly critical, as you may be dealing with people who
have little or no knowledge of the Bible. OK to make comments, but be brief.
If they ask questions, answer them truthfully, backed up with scripture, and
pray that you have the wisdom to answer in a proper way].
Of course, any effort the church undertakes needs to be prayed about by the members and those participating.
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