Christmas Every Day
While we all like to think that the present season is one of joy, the statistics bear the fact that this is the worst time of the year. Theft is highest. Robbery is highest. Divorces are initialized this time of year more than any other time. Suicides are more frequent. The sin of greed is exposed for all to see. And depression is overwhelming for so many people. People go into deeper debt because of the pressure to be generous to others.
What a shame that most people will sing songs with words that offer praise and glory to God and to Christ, and these same people will deny the Divine nature and authority of our God. We sing about Christ the King, and refuse to obey His commandments. We sing glory to God, and turn around and take His name in vain when our quarterback fumbles the ball. We sing about peace on earth, but do not seem to care that there is no peace on earth. We talk about the joy of giving, but why this time of year ONLY?
Come on folks, let’s get with the program. All the good things that this season represents needs to be done every day of the year. Joy and peace are qualities that all men should seek all the time. The politicians talk about it, but do nothing to promote it. The Bible tells us to try to be at peace with all men, and to make efforts to make peace a reality. Read Hebrews 12:14.
We all complain about the pitiful shape our society is in. With all the corruption we see in the news media, and all the evil that people do to each other, it is downright depressing.
So let us stop talking about it, and let us stop singing about good things only during the Christmas season. Let each and everyone of us determine that we are going to promote peace, provide joy for others, and offer praise to God as we should every day of the year.
Let us start today. If you are concerned about salvation and the condition of your souls, perhaps working together, we can turn people and society around to recognize the true sovereignty of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only hope for our world and the only hope for our salvation. Let us stop kicking Christ out of our world (except at Christmas time), and invite Him into our daily lives. We will be better for it.
We know that God is not willing that any perish (2 Peter 3:9). You must believe that Jesus is the Son of God and died on the cross for your sins. (Acts 8:37). You must repent of your sins (Luke 13:3), you must confess Jesus as Lord (Matthew 10:32) and you must be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16). Then you must remain faithful and continue learning how to serve God(2 Peter 3:18). Let us help you on your spiritual journey. May God bless you in your study of His word.
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By Carey Scott via the Madisonville Meteor; December 24, 2008

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