Calm And Chaos In The Storm
We waited calmly for the wind to begin blowing. Then we saw the chaos the storm was causing all around us, and there was nothing we could do to stop it. For a moment, we realized that we were in God’s hand and we calmed down, because God takes care of His own. Those who trust God, and obey Him can feel this sense of protection.
I personally sat on my front porch and watched this thing blow through. The tornado that ripped my tree apart missed the house, and for that I am thankful. While I know that some people lost their lives, and others lost all their possessions, we will all be suffering in some way for a long time. The lack of electricity caused hardship, loss of food, and comfortable sleep. Hopefully, we all learned that we really do take things for granted. I know that every time I walked into my closet I reached for the light switch and it still did not work. Even with a flashlight in my hand, I reached for the light switch every time I entered a room.
Sadly, we all take things for granted and it shows. We usually do not pay much attention until we have lost that which we expect. We do not appreciate air conditioning until we are deprived of such. The same goes for our loved ones in much the same way.
While this storm taught us some lessons that are sorely needed, it is our hope that we can learn spiritual applications from our learned lessons.
There is a spiritual storm approaching everyone. That storm is the day of your death. It is the time you will meet God face to face and have to acknowledge the name of Jesus and bow down before Him. It is the day that you will be judged, and sentenced to your eternal destiny. As in the physical storm, those who are unprepared, or underestimate the ferocity of the storm pay a huge toll, so those unprepared to meet God and underestimate His judgment will pay a huge price. Their own souls punished forever. We learn the lessons that people do not have to be unprepared for a physical storm, may we learn that we need to be prepared for God’s storm.
We may think that a little breeze like Hurricane Ike can be handled, but Ike is nothing compared to the fiery host that will come with Jesus on that great and final day. If you have not properly prepared for your spiritual storm, let us help you.
We know that God is not willing that any perish (2 Peter 3:9). You must believe that Jesus is the Son of God and died on the cross for your sins. (Acts 8:37). You must repent of your sins (Luke 13:3), you must confess Jesus as Lord (Matthew 10:32) and you must be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16). Then you must remain faithful and continue learning how to serve God(2 Peter 3:18). Let us help you on your spiritual journey. May God bless you in your study of His word.
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By Carey Scott via the Madisonville Meteor, October 8, 2008

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