The Kindness And Severity Of God
Have you noticed that most people picture God as they choose to see Him? We look at God from human perceptions, and most of the time we just select which parts of God we will view and accept in our own minds. But we must also recognize that many people put blinders on so as not to see the fullness of God in all his glory. God is kind. God is love. God is merciful. God is good. God is faithful. And the list could go on. Sadly many who believe these things written above go about their business as if God does not even exist.
God is vengeful. God is just. God is the One who can destroy our souls in hell. God is a consuming fire. God brings his wrath upon those who do not obey Him. When we perceive God from our human perception, many do not like the picture they see. So what do they do? many are content to select the parts of God they want to perceive and put out of their mind that God has many different attributes, and all of these characteristics are equal in His nature and character. if you do not look to the whole nature and complete view of God, you will probably pay a price you do not wish to pay.
Romans 11:22 "Behold then the kindness and severity of God; to those who fell, severity, but to you, God's kindness, if you continue in His kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off."
The relationship we have with God is conditional upon our faithfulness.
Some will believe that since God is merciful and full of grace, that we can live any way we want and still get to go to heaven. That is a big mistake to think that way. We must recognize that God is also our Judge and King and our disobedience will bring a just, swift and terrifying punishment. It does not matter if we have been faithful at one time or not. if you turn away frmo God, you will pay in the end.
Look to the Bible and see what God has to say on any matter. Learn His ways and do them. Fear God and give him honor and glory. If you need assistance, let us teach you how you can do the will of the Father in heaven. To obey God is to believe in Jesus as the Christ (Acts 16:31), repent of your sins (Acts 8:22), confess Christ's name before men (Romans 10:9-10), and be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; Mark 16:15-16). This sequence of actions will put you INTO Christ where you will receive spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3). As a new Christian, you will need to continue to learn to do God's will (2 Peter 3:18), and be faithful unto death (Revelation 2:10).
May God bless you in your study of His word.
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By Carey Scott via the Madisonville Meteor, 6/25/2008

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