Are the miracles of today the same kind of miracles we read about in the New Testament?
Who are the unbelievers?
It may be implied by those who believe in miracles today that if you do not believe in miracles today, it is because you do not have enough faith.
Turn it around: Do you believe those miracles were sufficient to accomplish the purpose God intended? I DO!

The purpose of miracles was to reveal and confirm heaven’s message about Christ. If you believe miracles are needed today, is it because you do NOT believe all was revealed to the apostles like Jesus promised, John 16:13? If all was not revealed, did Jesus lie? Or is it because you do NOT believe it was confirmed like Mark and Hebrews say it was, Mk 16:16-20, Heb. 2:2-4? Moreover, if those miracles did not confirm the gospel, were they a failure? And if so, how can present “miracles,” far less in variation and power than those of the 1st century, do so?

Q: Who are the “unbelievers”—those who accept the validity of the signatures on the constitution, or, those who demand new ones today...?
Compare: U.S. Constitution. Suppose someone offered to sell you the “original” copy for $100...? How would you determine its genuineness? Authenticity of the signatures. Now to “confirm” that it was genuine, suppose he offered to sign it..?? Note: no one could confirm it by signing it today if he wanted to! And he would be considered a fool, or FRAUD, who tried! Credibility is determined by examining the validity of the signatures. So with the new Testament—miracles were Heaven’s signature! Its credibility is determined by examining the validity of the signature!
Compare Heb. 2:2 and the Old Testament. The “signs” accompanying its deliverance at Sinai confirmed it. A Jew in the first century who required a current sign would be regarded as an UNbeliever.

So with the New Testament!
Some people were not satisfied with the signs Jesus had given. What did they want? Mt. 12:38; Jn. 6:30.
Note: They were the UNbelievers!

Yes, I believe in miracles, the bona fide ones we know the Spirit produced as recorded in the New Testament, and am thankful that my faith must not rest one the modern “imitations”!
Other gifts neglected
Those who believe the Spirit is still empowering men to work miracles as He did in the first century often emphasize two—tongues and healing—and the others are neglected or totally ignored. “Old-line” Pentecostals will occasionally attempt even the deadly signs: drink deadly poison; snakebite. And we read of their death in the paper! Do Neo (new)- Pentecostals really believe they can do these signs, or have you heard of them practicing them? Who are the believers, those who believe the apostles had ALL the powers mentioned in Mark 16:17f and that among the early Christians ALL the gifts of 1Co. 12 were exercised—or—those who say Christians today have the same gifts, but select TWO to emphasize and exercise?

How many gifts are listed in 1Co 12:8-10? List them.
How many in Mk. 16:17-18? List them.
Who are really guided by the Spirit?
It may be implied that since you do not believe the Holy Spirit empowers men today to exercise the spiritual gifts that you do not have the Spirit but that those who believe He does so empower men today have the Spirit.
But, compare the gifts we know and agree the Spirit gave men in the first century with those claimed today.
• The “tongues” unquestionably given by the Spirit were languages, Ac. 2:6-11. Who are guided by the Spirit—those who teach “tongues” were a language, or those who claim they were unintelligible jargon or an inexplicable “heavenly language”?
• The healings unquestionable given by the Spirit were universal (“every kind of disease and every kind of sickness” Mt. 9:35); instantaneous (Mk. 1:41,42); complete (Mt. 12:13); undeniable (Ac. 4:16); with or without faith on the sick’s part (Jn. 9:35-38); no special “atmosphere” needed; no collections taken. Who is guided by the Spirit—those who believe miracles must fit the above criteria and reject all else as counterfeits, or those who claim to believe in “miracles” that do not resemble those in the New Testament?
• Read Eph. 4:3-6. All say they are moved by the one “Spirit.” Yet, the Spirit of the New Testament seeks to lead men to unity (oneness) in faith, hope, baptism, etc. Does the Spirit guide the Methodists to teach one thing on baptism, and the Baptists another?? Does He guide the Catholics to worship one way and Pentecostals another?? Who are really guided by the one Spirit of God—those who condone and promote division, or those who preach and seek “ONE” faith, body, baptism … ??

Miracles - Then And Now
By seeing the contrast in present day “miracles” and the genuine miracles of the first century, one can see the counterfeit nature of modern miracle workers and correspondingly gain assurance in the miracles of the Bible and what they were designed to accomplish.
Miracles were vital to the origin and confirmation of the gospel of Christ and his will for those who follow him. To falsely claim those same powers today is not only counterfeiting, but undermines the means and evidence of the gospel!

In the left column of following chart, write the characteristic of the first century miracles that stands in clear contrast to characteristic of modern day “miracles” given in the corresponding right column. The first is completed as an example.
1ST CENTURY MIRACLES----------------------------------- MODERN DAY MIRACLES
Mt. 8:3,13; 9:22; 12:13; Jn. 11; Ac. 3:8,16.

Instantaneous, complete recovery. Lame not limp, blind not need glasses,
Lazarus not “stink” like death! ----------------------------------------------Progressive healing, ignore symptoms
Mt. 8-9; Lk. 22:50-51; Jn. 11:39,43-44; Ac. 3:1f; 9:36f

Functional disorders (“functional” - “b: affecting physiological or psychological functions but not organic structure” MWCD
Mt. 4:24; 8:16; 9:35; 14:35-36; Ac. 5:16------------------------------------- Many leave without cure (See quotes below.)
1Co. 14:5, 18-19 Tongues and healings the focus
Jn. 5:8-9...12-13; 9:35-38; Ac. 3:1f “Faith healers”
1Co. 4:11-12; 1Th. 2:9 ----------------------------------------------------------Oral Roberts, Swaggart, Tilden, Baker, etc. get wealthy
Mt. 8:5-6..13; Ac. 3:1f ------------------------------------------------------------Atmosphere, music, revivals (See quotes below.)
Eph. 3:5; 1Co 14:6; Jn 10:37,38; Mk. 16:20; Heb. 2:3-4 --------------Confirm what already confirmed?
Make believers?...Lk. 16:30-31

Objection: Jesus practiced progressive healing.
• Jn. 4:52, “began to get better.”
This was spoken by whom? Was he inspired?
When did the fever actually leave his son?
• Mk. 8:25, Jesus laid hands on the man a second time before completely restored.
Did Jesus always use the same method in his healings? See v23; Mt. 8:3; 9:6-7; Lk. 4:39;6:10; 8:44; 17:14;13:13
How long did it take the man to see clearly after Jesus laid his hands on him the second time?
Objection: Jesus did not always heal everyone, Mk. 6:5.
It was due to their lack of faith, v6 – thus these healers of today are known as “faith healers” and justify their failures on the lack of faith on the part of the sick.
Did he try and fail? Was he not God?!
If this the same event as recorded in Lk. 4:16-30, Luke explains why he “could do no miracle there except…” What is it? Lk. 4:28-30.
“Could not” may refer to will, rather than to ability. For example, the one born of God “cannot sin” (1 Jn. 3:9) – because he does not have the ability to sin or because he chooses not to sin? Jesus sometimes refused to work signs due to people’s unbelief, Mt. 12:38-39; Jn. 6:30-31ff.
Many leave without cure

Of the lack of success of modern “healers,” the following quotation bears abundant evidence. Dr. Bingham, in writing of a “healing” mission in Toronto, said: “one who actively participated in the anointing told us that he thought that in some meetings ten percent were healed, and twenty-five per cent received help, but in other meetings nothing was accomplished. This was the testimony of a friend, not an opposer...” (Dr. Rowland V. Bingham, The Bible and the Body, p. vi, See p. 115 also).

Of the “healing” work of Dr. Price, Bingham wrote: “A representative committee of Christian men, ministers and physicians that examined 350 cases that passed under his hands, found only five that were cured, and in each case these were susceptible to cure by hypnotic suggestion. Thirty-nine died within six months of the meetings, five became insane and four other cases of insanity were traced to family disappointment in healing expectancy through his ministry...” (Ibid., p. 23) Miracles or Mirages, James D. Bales
See article, “In Search of A Miracle” (end of lesson).

Some may be “healed.” There are illness of body and mind brought on by fear, anxiety, stress, anger, etc. People are really sick. But, the as the illness is cause by the mind, it can sometimes be removed by a change of mind, e.g. change of emotions, attitudes, hypnosis, etc. Miracles or Mirages, pp. 18-26; None of These Diseases, S. I. McMillen, M.D.
Atmosphere, music, revivals

“2. P.C. Nelson, the same man who wrote the church manual for the Assemblies of God has this to say about the necessity of preparing the audience:
‘All who come up in the healing line should be in the services for several days to hear the word of God, see people healed before their eyes, and hear the joyful testimonies of those who have been healed. They should have time for confession of hidden sins and for the reading of God’s sweet promises... So many have soaked in unbelief so long it takes a long time to get it all out of their system. those who come for healing should be well instructed before hand and should seek the grace of God for his grace before coming up for anointing... Those who come forward for healing should fast and pray before coming up and get everything distracting out of their minds’ (Does Christ Heal Today, P. C. Nelson, p. 28-29).

“3. If modern healing is not psychological, why all this preparation? Did the Lord or apostles spend several days preparing people’s minds?
“a. Notice the lame man at the temple (Acts 3).

“4. Nelson goes on to say that it is good to get the whole audience prepared:
‘As a rule it is best to give forth a message on divine healing before anointing the sick in numbers. It will strengthen their faith and yours.’ (Ibid p. 127)
“a. When did Jesus or apostles ever deliver an address on divine healing. They did not talk about it, they did it!

“5. Nelson also saw the need to set a mood with music:
‘If you pray for a number of people in a public service, it is helpful to have a song sung or played softly while you anoint the afflicted. Such songs as THE GREAT PHYSICIAN, and WHERE THE HEALING WATERS FLOW are helpful.’ (Ibid, p. 135)
“a. Helpful for what? To help divine power or to help emotion that will lead to a psychological healing.
“b. Why don’t they get out of their tents, auditoriums, and their TV’s, out of their controlled environment. Why don’t they go to the hospitals?...” [Or, to the streets, as did Jesus and the apostles, srf]
Darrel Hymel, From his material on “Preaching Another Jesus”

Quick Quiz
Choose all correct answers in the following.
1. In the miracles of the first century
a. Healings were instantaneous
b. Faith on the part of the person being healed was not always required
c. Collections were not taken
d. Organic disorders (e.g. sight restored, leprosy cured, dead raised) were regularly healed

2. Those who do not believe in miracles today
a. Limit the power of God
b. Lack enough faith to believe in what God has promised and is doing
c. Are not lead by the Spirit
d. None of the above

3. Those who do not believe in the historical validity of the signatures designed to confirm the U.S. Constitution
a. Lack faith in the historical evidence designed to confirm to future generations the genuineness of the document
b. Have an exemplary, well grounded faith, not because of the validity of the signatures, but because they have a feeling the document is genuine
c. Would be correct in asserting that if someone today signed the document, it would prove it’s genuineness
d. Are the most rational of folks when they contend that no historical evidence is sufficient reason for people today to believe in the genuineness of that document

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