WHY does the Holy Spirit “dwell in” us?
What do we “reap” from the Spirit, Gal. 6:8?
To help us attain this goal, what does the Holy Spirit do in us and for us? Answer this question based on the following scriptures. These are but a few examples of what He does for us.
• Rom. 15:13
• Gal. 5:16-26
• Gal. 6:1 (“spiritual” - see 5:25)
• Eph. 4:17-32 (note v30)
• Eph. 5:18-21 (note the five words ending in “ing” - see KJV, NKJV, ASV)
1Th. 4:1-8 (note v8)
Tit. 3:5
• Heb. 3:7 (see 12:25)
• Rev. 2:11 (see vv9-10)

Scriptures To Discuss
Some believe these verses either promise or refer to a literal, personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit, or, baptism in the Holy Spirit, or, spiritual gifts.
Ro. 8:9-11

Does the affirmation that the Spirit “indwells” the Christian prove that He personally, literally takes his abode within the Christian and directly influences him? If so, give the evidence. See lesson above on “indwelling.”

Two lifestyles are being contrasted. Note (or mark) the words “walk,” “set their minds,” “mind set,” “to live,” “living,” “the deeds of,” in vv. 1-14. One reveals we “do not belong to Him” and the other that we are “alive” and have hope of the resurrection of the righteous, vv. 9-11. One lifestyle has as its norm “the flesh” (see Gal. 5:19f); the other has as its norm the revelation of God through the Holy Spirit. The question is, which must rule the life of the Christian.
Is there anything in the context about subjective, mystical experiences? Anything about miracles? Anything about baptism in the Holy Spirit? (Remember, one cannot assume personal indwelling, miraculous indwelling, or baptism in the Holy Spirit due to the word “indwells.”)

1Co. 3:16-17
This text affirms the Holy Spirit dwells in the Christian. We have already learned that “dwells in” does not imply a personal, literal indwelling, nor does it imply direct influenced apart from means. Remember that the issue is not whether the Holy Spirit dwells in the Christian, but how. Does He literally and mystically take up abode within the Christian and directly affect his heart, or, does He influence the heart and life of a Christian through the means of the word of God?
Observe in the context: How did they come to be “the temple of God” wherein the Holy Spirit dwelled, vv5-11?

1Co. 6:19
Earlier in this text, Paul wrote that “your bodies are members of Christ,” v15. Is this to be taken literally? If not, can we not see that “the Holy Spirit who is in you” does not demand a literal indwelling? Note also that the text does not say the Holy Spirit dwells in your body, but “in you.” God dwelling in human flesh is incarnation—what happened when Christ came into the world!
If your body is “a temple of the Holy Spirit,” who should control how the temple (body) is used? (Compare: who should be able to say what goes on in your house?) The Holy Spirit teaches us to avoid immorality (1Th. 4:1-8; Eph. 4:17-24…29-30). He would allow no immorality in the “temple.” And immorality is the very point of this section, vv12-20—“flee immorality”! This is the point of the statement, not mysterious influences, spiritual gifts, or better felt than told knowledge of the Holy Spirit within.

2Tim 1:14
If we let the context govern our interpretation, how is that treasure to be guarded, v13 (first part of the verse)?
Does the affirmation that the Spirit “dwells in us” prove that He personally, literally takes his abode within the Christian and thereby influences him to “guard the treasure” through internal, subjective influences (feelings, opinions, etc. given to him by the Spirit)—or, is it possible this refers to some relationship with the Spirit that strongly influences the person to “guard the treasure”? If the latter, and we let the context determine that relationship, what would it be (see the last part of v13. Note: how does one come to have and maintain these two things)?

For thought: If this refers to a subjective guidance by the Spirit, what problems does that present? (E.g., what if two people who believe they have the Spirit subjectively guiding them differ? What if you change your mind later about the meaning of some Scripture?)

Quick Quiz
Choose all correct answers in the following.
1. The Holy dwells in us
a. To give us the ability to speak in tongues
b. To encourage, warn, and strengthen us
c. Through His revelation, the Word of God
d. To provide internal, subjective witness of salvation

2. If the Holy Spirit dwells in us
a. We will have hope
b. We will live lives of love and moral purity
c. We will want to engage in genuine worship of thanksgiving
d. It will not affect us

3. The Holy Spirit
a. Does not really dwell in the Christian
b. Does not literally and personally dwell in the Christian
c. Dwells in the Christian in the sense of an abiding and influencing relationship
d. Has so designed His revelation that if it is understood, believed, cherished, and obeyed, it will motivate, guide, and mold a person to be what God wants him or her to be

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