Doesn't the Father draw men (Jn 6:44) by the Holy Spirit and the Spirit give life (Jn 6:63)?
Jn 6:44-45 - How does the Father “draw” men to Himself?
Compare “come to Me” in vv44-45. What phrase in v45 parallels the bolded words in v44?
• v44 - “No one can come to Me, unless the Father…draws him”
• v45 - “______________________________________________ , comes to Me”
• Thus, “drawn” by “hearing and learning.”
Compare “raise him up in the last day” in v44 and v40. What phrase in v40 parallels the bolded words in v44?
• v44 - “Father … draws him … I will raise him up on the last day”
• v40 - “______________________________________________________ … will raise him up on the last day”
• Thus, a person is “drawn” by “beholding” (hearing) and “believing” in Christ.
Jesus was a teacher. This was what he was doing here. Those who received his words would have life, vv63-65.
Jn 6:63 - “It is the Spirit who gives life” (“quickeneth” KJV)
• What mistake was this audience making about what Jesus was saying, vv52-62?
• If we let Jesus explain what he means by looking at the last line in the verse, how is this life acquired? See also vv. 29, 35-36, 40, 47, 64, 68-69.
It is this gospel that Jesus was preaching of a Savior that gave His life for the sins of men that Jews stumbled on and Gentiles considered foolish, 1Co 1:18,23.

Quick Quiz
Choose all correct answers in the following.

1. The Father draws men to Himself (Jn 6:44)
a. By a still, small voice heard only in the conscience
b. By the Holy Spirit exercising an irresistible influence on the human heart
c. Hearing and learning the gospel Jesus taught
d. By a better felt than told experience of grace

2. “The Spirit gives life” (Jn 6:63) means
a. Through believing the gospel of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Messiah for the sins of men men, we can have spiritual life
b. Through exercising His power on depraved men and changing their heart, the Holy Spirit enables the elect to understand and believe the gospel
c. Just as the human spirit gives life to the body when eaten and digested, the words of Jesus about his flesh and blood give life to the soul when understood and believed
d. The Holy Spirit raises dead people

3. The reason the unbelieving Jews and Gentiles in Corinth (1Co. 1:17-31) were not drawn to God was
a. The preachers were not very capable speakers
b. The Jews stumbled over the idea of crucified Messiah for sin and the Gentiles considered such a message foolishness
c. The message was to difficult to understand
d. They were “natural” men and unable to understand the gospel without direct intervention by the Holy Spirit upon their hearts

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