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Who or what is the “Holy Spirit”?

The Holy Spirit is a Person
The Holy Spirit is not merely an “it,” a “thing,” or simply a concept, but a divine person. The qualities of behavior and mental activities characteristic of being a person are attributed to the Holy Spirit.

Based on the attributes ascribed to him, what is “Andrew”? (Each time “Andrew” will be something different.)
• Andrew wags his tail when he barks.
• Andrew smells great and costs $50 an ounce.
• Andrew blew in and did $10,000,000 damage.
• Andrew heard what she said and spoke tenderly to her, but was insulted and grieved when she lied to him.

What word or phrase shows the Holy Spirit is a rational being?
• Jn. 16:13 (three active verbs following “but” in last part of the verse)
• Ac. 5:3 (what Ananias did to the Holy Spirit)
• Ac. 13:2
• 1Co. 12:11
• Eph. 4:30 (what we may do to the Holy Spirit)
• Heb. 10:29 (what we may do to the Holy Spirit)

The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person
The Holy Spirit is spoken of as coordinate and thus equal with God the Father and God the Son. This implies both his personality and his deity - that he is a divine person. Write the phrases that treat them as coordinate in the following.
• Mt. 28:19
• Rom. 15:30
• 2Co. 13:14
• 1Co. 12:4-6

Compare the following. Only one presents the three mentioned as coordinates.
• Father (divine person), Son (divine person), Book (thing)
• Father (divine person), Son (divine person), Salvation (concept)
• Father (divine person), Son (divine person), Holy Spirit ( ___________ )

“Godhead” or “Godhood”
What attributes and actions of deity, or godhood, are ascribed to The Holy Spirit?
• Ac. 5:3,4 (What is He called in v4? Parallel the “lied to” phrases.)
• 1Co. 2:10-11
• 1Co. 12:7-11
• Gen. 1:2

“One God”
What do the Scriptures mean when they repeatedly affirm there is “one God”? One Godhood; referring to the uniqueness this class of beings recognized as God by the prophets in the Bible. (Compare “alone” in 1Ch. 29:1, echad—same word as in Dt. 6:4.) No other God like this one. Contrast to idolatry. See, for example, Dt. 4:32-35...5:6-8...6:4-5...13-14; Isa. 40:18,25...46:5-8...9. Idolatry recognizes many gods, all with different natures, e.g., sun, wind, river, etc. Our God, the one and only God, is eternal, self-existent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, faithful, just, compassionate. And this is true of all three beings in the Godhead; they are united in these attributes and their will in the exercise of them. If we say there is but “one man” (manhood), we mean all men are alike in nature, that certain characteristics are common to all men.

Quick Quiz
Choose all correct answers in the following.
1. The Holy Spirit is
a. A mystical, indefinite, indefinable, ethereal substance
b. The disposition of God
c. Simply the power of God
d. The Bible
e. None of the above

2. The Holy Spirit is
a. Eternal
b. Omnipotent
c. Omniscient
d. A Divine Being

3. The Holy Spirit is
a. Divine
b. Human
c. Mythical
d. None of the above

4. The following are attributed to the Holy Spirit
a. Knowledge
b. Will
c. Judgment
d. None of the above

5. The Holy Spirit possesses
a. Power to create
b. Miracle working power
c. Power to reveal the mind of God
d. Love for mankind

6. The Holy Spirit can be
a. Lied to
b. Grieved
c. Destroyed
d. Insulted

7. The Holy Spirit is
a. A person
b. A Divine Being
c. God
d. We cannot know what “The Holy Spirit” is

8. To say the Holy Spirit is a person means
a. He has a body of flesh and bones like men
b. He is a conscious, volitional, rational, moral being
c. The Holy Spirit is not a person

9. “One God” in the Bible means
a. There is only one person rightfully called “God”
b. There is one Godhood, and stands in contrast to idolatry with its gods of varying natures
c. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one person
d. Only the Father is God—the Son and the Holy Spirit are created beings not on an equal with the Father in godhood

10. When “The Holy Spirit” is in view in the Scriptures, what is meant is
a. Simply a being with eminent moral qualities
b. The holiest disposition one can possibly possess
c. The force or power of Jehovah
d. The one, special, unique, “Holy Spirit,” the Divine Spirit of God, the third person in the Godhead.

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