A. Ecclesiastes 3:1

1. “The words of the Preacher” (1:1), Solomon, inform us that a time is available for every event that transpires in the lives of men.

2. For the last several weeks, we’ve been studying this subject.

B. Ecclesiastes 3:5c-d Our study resumes today with “a time to be embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.”


A. Wisdom

1. Proverbs 4:1-9 Concerning wisdom, Solomon wrote, “She will bring you honor, when you embrace her” (8).

a. Proverbs 23:23 Once wisdom is acquired, it should never be surrendered!

b. Proverbs 16:16; 8:10-11; 3:13-18 Wisdom is far more valuable than anything earthly.

2. James 3:13-17 Those who are truly wise are godly.

a. Proverbs 9:10 After all, wisdom begins with fearing God.

b. James 1:5 To gain wisdom, one must pray for it.

3. Romans 11:33 The wisdom of God is unfathomably deep!

a. 2nd Chronicles 1:7-12; 9:22-23; Luke 11:31 Although King Solomon’s wisdom surpassed all others, the Lord’s wisdom is greater!

b. 1st Corinthians 1:18-2:16; 3:18-20 God’s foolishness is exceedingly wiser than the greatest wisdom of the world and His wisdom is in the cross of Christ.

B. God’s Promises

1. Hebrews 11:8-16, 39; 13:14

a. The patriarchs embraced the promises of God, although they died without witnessing their fulfillment.

b. We also await the fulfillment of God’s promise, seeking a permanent dwelling with Him.

2. 1st John 2:25; 2nd Peter 3:9-13 We have been promised eternal life in new heavens and a new earth.

3. Hebrews 10:36; 6:11-12 We patiently await the fulfillment of the promise.

C. Brethren

1. Finally, we consider a literal embrace.

2. Genesis 29:13-14; 33:4; 48:8-11 Within family, embracing is a common indication of tender affection.

3. Mark 10:28-30 In Christ, we are assured of a spiritual family, even if we must leave our natural families.

4. Acts 20:1, 37; 21:7, 19

a. Embracing these brothers and sisters should come easily, as Paul did.

b. The Greek word translated as “greeted” (21:7, 19) literally means “to enfold in the arms” (Strong’s) and is the same word translated as “embraced” elsewhere (20:1; Hebrews 11:13).

5. Romans 16:16; 1st Corinthians 16:20; 2nd Corinthians 13:12; 1st Thessalonians 5:26; 1st Peter 5:14

a. Greeting, or embracing, one another is expected among brethren.

b. Whether it includes a kiss, a handshake, or whatever is appropriate in a given culture, brethren should greet each other!

i. It’s unfortunate when the church gathers and some fail to extend their greetings to one another. It’s not that difficult!

ii. Some, it would seem, prefer it that way, but our responsibility in the matter is clear.


A. Fornication

1. Song Of Songs 2:6-7; 8:3-4 The object of Solomon’s romantic desire speaks of being embraced by him, and immediately discourages other young women from stirring up love too early.

2. Proverbs 5:15-20; 6:20-7:27 Solomon himself asks his son why he should be embraced by an immoral seductress, especially with marriage available to satisfy him.

3. Hebrews 13:4 God will judge fornicators and adulterers, but He has ordained the institution of marriage as the proper setting in which to find sexual satisfaction.

4. 1st Thessalonians 4:3-8 God wills that we abstain from sexual immorality, maintaining self-control.

5. 1st Corinthians 6:18-20 We haven’t been given our bodies to use as we please, in satisfaction of fleshly lusts, but rather to carry out the will of God.

B. Ash Heaps

1. Lamentations 4:1-5

a. The Israelites of Jeremiah’s day were found embracing ash heaps.

b. They had known luxury, but because they refused to humble themselves and submit to God, He destroyed their every possession. All that remained was ash.

2. 2nd Peter 3:7, 10-13

a. There will come a time when the fire will burn so fervently, not even ash will remain.

i. Mark 9:43-48

ii. 2nd Thessalonians 1:7b-9

b. Are you prepared for the day of the Lord?

Grace Be With You, Bryan Matthew Dockens

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