Why I want to go there.

Every now and then we should pause and try to think about heaven and just how grand and glorious it will be.
Our obedience to God should be because we love Him.
It is the reward that is promised to the faithful that will make it worth living for.

If We Make It To Heaven
Think Of That Spectacular Moment
It will be an emotional high greater than anything ever experienced in this life.
We will not only see God in His true glory, but be able to live in His presence.
Our bodies have been changed into immortality, and have the strength to exist forever with God.
God was a warm glowing, radiant light.
The warmth cannot be described in terms of heat, but of warm, accepting love.
Jesus was gentle, like a Lamb, and welcomed our arrival.
The light was very bright. There was no need of the sun.
Yet, my eyes were different. I could look into this brightness. I could see like never before.
Can you explain sight to a man born blind?

Words Are Inadequate
Have you ever stood in the presence of the power of nature, and felt breathless at the vast power before you?
Have you ever stood breathless, looking over the Grand Canyon, and felt so small before the wonders of mountains, hills, and canyons?
Have you ever experienced the emotional charge of a victory game that made you the champion?
How did you feel?
Yet, you still feel inadequate to describe it.
If you could roll all of your emotional thrills: the thrill of victory, the excitement and thrill of marriage, the thrill of a newborn baby, the thrill of salvation,- roll them all into one huge, overpowering thrill –
You still cannot imagine actually seeing the Creator of the universe, the thrill of being in the presence of the one who spread out the starry host, thundered and quaked upon Mt. Sinai, and brought Isaiah breathlessly upon His face saying "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts".

The Very Thought Of Heaven
Oh, heaven is beautiful. Beautiful beyond comparison! Far more than I am capable of imagining, to say nothing of describing.
The main attraction is God Himself.
Seeing Him in all His glory, knowing that He is love,
loved me,
gave Himself for me,
knowing this wonderful place is HOME,
and will be forever!
Oh, what a spectacular moment!

The thought of heaven has inspired the writing of many songs:
"There’s a land that is fairer than day, and by faith we can see it afar....“
"How beautiful Heaven must be"...
"There’s a wonderful place we call home…"
“Won’t It Be Wonderful There…
Many songs that have embraced the hearts of millions.

I Want To Go There Because:
God the Father will be there.
We will finally see the most awesome being that could ever exist.
God the Son will be there.
He who loved me and gave Himself for me.
He who was my advocate and High Priest to look out for my spiritual welfare.
It will never fade away.
Of what will not be there (Revelation 21)
My treasure is laid up there. I have been working on this for many years, and I hate to think I would waste that time.
Every righteous person who ever lived faithful to God will be there. Too many to name, yet their names are recorded in Heaven.
Everyone who has learned to love the love of God, wants me to go there.
The best people that ever lived are cheering us on towards living faithful until death.
Failure is not an option.

Words and word images of the mind cannot possibly describe the greatness of that event when we walk into Heaven.
The only way to get there is to be invited in by God,
Jesus said the only way that will happen is if we do God’s will as recorded in the Bible.
Are you heavenward bound?

By Carey Scott

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