Zechariah and Haggai both preached to the first generation after their return to Judah from the Babylonian exile. In 536 B.C. the Temple foundation was laid, but due to local opposition, the work was discontinued for sixteen years. In 520 B.C. God raised up these two prophets to stir up the nation to complete the rebuilding of the Temple. Many of the economic hardships which the people had experienced since they returned were caused by the fact that, with no Temple in operation, the land was still polluted from their former sins and would not produce well.

# Response to Zechariah and Haggai's preaching was immediate and complete. By 515 B.C. the Temple was finished and in operation again. Zech.1-8 relates to the years of 520-518 B.C. The oracles supported the leadership of Zerubbabel, the civil leader, and Joshua, the high priest, especially in connection with the Temple project. The glorious future of Jerusalem and the remnant that returned to it is also vividly depicted. Some of Zechariah's visions are filled with rich apocalyptic-type imagery. Both Zerubabbel and Joshua were anointed leaders, and in certain passages it is difficult to determine whether they are being referred to or whether it is the future Messiah (Jesus). At any rate, Jesus' dual Messianic role as both king and priest finds its closest Old Testament basis here. Zech.9-14 is very different from the earlier chapters in that they deal exclusively with the future beyond Zechariah's day. The time frame for the fulfillment of individual prophecies is a disputed point among scholars, but several passages were seen by New Testament writers as being fulfilled by Jesus. These include such events as Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, His arrest, His crucifixion and His Second Coming.

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