Numbers, believed to be the fourth book of Moses, was so named because the sons of Israel were numbered in Num.1 and Num.26. As in former books, Moses is the principal figure. The central theme of the book of Numbers is service. The nation of Israel had become, at least temporarily, nomadic. God was weeding out the "dead wood" during a period of about 40 years. Those who did not truly believe in God's promise were not permitted to enter into the land of Canaan, but their children were being prepared for battle. The younger generation was full of faith and courage. This book describes how they wandered in the wilderness for 38 years, while the older generation died off, but a new nation, trained to obey God, was ready for an assault upon the Promised Land which "flowed with milk and honey." There are many lessons for us to learn from them today. We must never complain against God or doubt Him. God could get them out of Egypt, but it was difficult to get Egypt out of them!

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