“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise", Proverbs 11:30

Child of God, when is the last time you experienced the joy of personally bringing someone to Christ and seeing them obey the gospel?

With all that is going on in the world (and the church) both good and bad, it is so easy for a Christian to get distracted from the mission we have been called to fulfill as disciples of Christ. It’s easy to get consumed by the busy-ness of our daily routines, responsibilities and leisure activities. However, now, more than ever, the world, our families, friends and enemies need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Now is not the time for us to relax or lose focus. There is no better time than the present for God’s people to spring into evangelism.

I am asking every member of our congregation to join me in making a special effort to reach and teach the gospel to the lost and win souls for Christ during the month of April. As of today, April 7th, we have 23 days left in this month. I am challenging and encouraging every member to set a goal to win at least one soul before the end of this month. Yes, one soul. Out of all of the people that you know and will meet during this month, do you not believe that you can teach one lost soul what they need to do to be saved and lead them to be baptized into Christ? Of course, you can! You just need to set the goal and focus your mind and effort on making that goal a reality.

Child of God, are you concerned about the lost souls you know? Do you care about their spiritual state, their relationship with God and where they will spend eternity? If so, let your concern, care and compassion for the lost move you to do all you can to introduce them to the Savior of the world. Starting today, let us pray daily that God will give each of us the opportunity and boldness to meet and teach the lost the gospel of Christ. Use the resources at your disposable to reach and teach people, set up Bible studies, and take time out to show that you care for the lost. Don’t take any person or opportunity forgranted. I am convinced that if we do our part, God will do His part and give the increase.

The question is not “Can you win a soul to Christ?” but “Are you willing to work to win a soul to Christ?” So what is your response to this question, child of God? Actions speak louder than words. Let’s go!

By Anthony Campbell

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