Humility Gone Too Far
There is no doubt that humility is required in our salvation. There are many passages that speak of the humble in heart being praised by God. God gives grace to the humble, but is opposed to the proud (James 4:6; Isaiah 54:17; 1 Peter 5:5). The Bible speaks of many characters who had a humble spirit, and the teaching of the scriptures suggest that we also need to be humble to be acceptable to God.
Finding humility is very difficult for most people. They have such an ego and arrogance, that humility makes them feel small. Many will deny the ability to become humble before God, and will lose their souls. Many will refuse to subject themselves to a higher authority, and thus, they will be lost.
But the Bible teaches us about some individuals that we might say were trying to be humble, but God was not going to put up with their brand of humility. God had called them to a particular duty, and they did not want to do what God wanted them to do.
Moses was regarded as the meekest of the earth, and when God told him that a prophet would come along some day that would be just like him, the humble part surely shows up in the Christ. Yet also remember that God asked this humble man to do something, and he began to make excuses. One of his excuses was that he was a nobody; and no one would even listen to him speak. Of course, God removed all those excuses from Moses, and Moses finally did what God wanted him to do. His perceived humility was nothing more than fear expressing itself, and would have drug him down.
Then there is the story of Gideon. Gideon considered himself youngest son of one of the least families in Manasseh (Judges 6:15). Yet the angel of the Lord approached him and called him a "valiant warrior of the Lord" (Judges 6:14). God wanted Gideon to do some things, and Gideon began to make excuses. But God told him that He would be with him in these actions. Then we see Gideon begin testing God. "Give me a sign that you have chosen me" were the words and actions of Gideon. It took three signs (when even one would have been sufficient) to convince Gideon that he was the man God had chosen for some tasks to be done.
Saul was chosen to be king, but when the coronation was to take place, he could not be found for he was hiding in some cargo bays, and he did not feel that he was worthy. Time would prove that he was not worthy as he should have been.
David the son of Jesse was the youngest and did not feel right when Samuel came to anoint him as king. This did not go along with culture or tradition, and I am sure David was very surprised.
There are many today who feel they are too humble to do the task God has assigned them to do. We must be careful that our humility does not keep us from doing what God calls us to do. We may not understand why God has chosen us, but we are to jump into action when He does. God's blessings will come upon the humble of the LORD. But don't be too humble.
By Carey Scott

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