
Our girls attend public school. We’re not opposed conceptually to homeschooling, and we know many people who do it, and do it well. We prefer to let the professionals do their job (as we watch carefully).

But that doesn’t mean we aren’t taking a lead role in their education. Not only are we aware of their progress in school, we are constantly instructing them in subjects that, for whatever reason, are not covered within the confines of the big building with the flagpole in front. Tracie is a highly qualified instructor in home economics and rhetoric. I teach music appreciation and the history of film. (Kylie struggles mightily with Johnny Cash, and Taylor barely passed the Charlie Chaplin section. Clearly I still have work to do.)

Ultimately it is my responsibility to see that my children are properly educated. Not the teacher’s, not the school board’s, not the president’s. Mine. I am glad for the help others offer. But I chose to bring them into the world; I must make sure, to the best of my ability, that they are responsible and productive while they are here.

It is even more important for me to “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). I am glad the local church provides Bible classes for them. But I would be negligent if I let a couple of hours of group study comprise their entire spiritual education. I need to be nurturing good study and prayer habits, leading spiritual discussions, and finding good outlets for spiritual expression and exercise. That’s my job. No one else’s.

By Hal Hammons via The Final Word, August 30,2010

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