What Will Build A Strong Church?

Not sensationalist! Not gimmicks! Nor more committees, or mere program, or a “fun and games: emphasis! These things may be “right-on” for civic clubs, social clubs, and country clubs, but not for the Lord’s church!

1. STRONG BIBLE PREACHING AND TEACHING! God’s word, when it is disseminated plainly, forcefully, uncompromisingly, and yet kindly, will BUILD UP! Paul said, “I commend you unto God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up….” (Acts 20:32).

2. EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP! Men who make themselves “examples to the flock” are careful in tending it (I Peter 5:2-3). To grow, the church must have quality leadership – men who know how to lead and will do so!

3. CHRISTIAN LIVING ON THE PART OF EVERY MEMBER! Unimpeachable conduct clearly evidenced in the lives of Christians will illuminate the way for many in the realm of darkness. Read Matt. 5:16 and Phil. 2:15.

4. CONGREGATIONAL WARMTH AND LOVE! The fellowship of the Lord’s church should be so sweet and precious that the whole community takes notice and observed, “See how they love each other!” Without this a congregation will never be what God would have it be!

5. Compassionate hearts! The church of Christ needs to be known as the most tenderhearted bunch of people in the world, ready and willing to help all; and especially those of the household of faith (Gal. 6:9-10).

6. EVANGELISTIC FERVOR! The emphasis of the early church was soul-winning! The church will grow when we cease not to “teach and preach Jesus as the Christ” every day, whenever we have opportunity! Read Acts 5:42.

7. AN “I WANT TO SERVE” ATTITUDE PERMEATING THE CONGREGATION! People serve the Lord because they love Him; they want to serve, and not out of a spirit of drudgery.

Author Unknown

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