Walking In Newness Of Life

Week Seven

Everyday Living

Day Forty-Five

[Remember to always begin your Bible study with prayer.]

Today we want to offer a summation of the rest of the book of Job since it is not within the scope of these lessons to provide such an in-depth study. (You will have plenty of time to learn about Job and all the other books of the bible in your days to come because you have the rest of your life to learn these things.)

1. Job 3-31 is a debate between Job and his three friends. the subject of the debate is, "Why do men suffer?" The three friends say that men suffer because of their sins. They repeatedly accuse Job of being a great sinner, evidenced by his great suffering. Job, on the other hand, rightfully claims that this is wrong. However, Job's answer is basically that God does not really care about suffering of His creation. He argues that what has happened to him is injustice. Job in essence says, "God isn't fair".


2. Job 32-37 is the speech of Elihu who is a younger man who listened to the debate and is angry that neither Job nor the friends had the right to answer to suffering. Elihu's answer is correct. He says that God uses the trial to make men better people. Trials refine man's character and cause him through self-examination to correct deficiencies in his life. Elihu says that God does care. Elihu uses a rising storm to illustrate that in all the storms of life, God can be seen working to better His people.


3. Finally, God's speech is in chapters 38-41. God asks Job a series of questions concerning the world and universe. Does Job know how all these things came to be and why they operate in their own peculiar way? Job did not know and neither does any man. Therefore, God is showing Job and all men that we do not have a right to question Him or accuse Him wrongfully during the time of trial. God knows what He is doing. We must trust Him.


4. Read Job 42. What is the final great lesson we can learn from suffering?

Go to Day Forty-Six

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