But I Say Unto You--A Statement By Jesus Christ

5. Please check out the section of Authority for the answer to this statement.
A Study Of Authority

All of this we learn from one single verse. We must understand that this verse does not contradict any scripture anywhere. Even the individual thoughts or phrases do not contradict any scripture. If we draw conclusions, by using other verses, that contradict this passage, then somewhere we have introduced false teaching. Let us not be guilty of false teaching. False teaching will lead people to Hell. People do not go there without a leader. As Jesus said, Let the blind lead the blind, and both shall fall into the ditch. When we introduce teaching that is contrary to this passage, we are leading blind people into the pit of Hell.

God will only show mercy to those who faithfully teach His word.
We are commanded to preach the word (2 Tim 4:2). That word is to reprove, rebuke, and exhort. Reprove those who sin. Rebuke those who teach error to cause people to sin. And to exhort all to seek the truth and live by it.

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