To Divorce A Person Without Cause Will (Can) Cause Them To Commit Adultery

2. Some people divorce for any cause. Some out of plain meanness. Some out of hatred. Some people have different motives or reasons for divorcing their mates. Some even have perceived good intentions. But all of these actions are wrong.
God hates divorce (Mal 2:16). As we study this, the very thought of divorce is a sin. Jesus talked about lust of the heart that makes one guilty (Matt 5:28). He also talked about hatred found in one's heart that is unseen by men (Matt 5:22). To think about divorce without cause is a violation of God's laws. The only exceptions would be (a)the one exception---fornication, and (b) the consent to separate for a while with the intention of returning to one another as recorded in 1 Cor 7:5. This separation should not involve the civil authorities. I would also suggest that to divorce for the purpose of getting income-tax breaks would violate God's principles [though I cannot find it specifically].
What about the statement that says "causes her to commit adultery"? The NASB uses the word "makes". There are several points that must be considered.
1. By context we would understand that the re-marriage as discussed in point one above, would be a necessity. She would have to re-marry in order to commit adultery.
2. If she does not re-marry, but remains celibate, then she is not an adultress.
3. According to Rom 7:2-3, she is only an adultress, when she is married to another man while her (first) husband lives.
4. Much of scripture pertaining to marriage teaches that the sexual act can be gratified or fulfilled in a lawful manner. As God has specified, it is only to be done in the marriage bed (Heb 13:4). Any sexual activity outside of lawful marriage is a violation of God's law. Any violation is a transgression of God's law. Transgression of law is sin (1 John 3:4). Any person with a sin accounted to them at judgement will die [the second death]( 1 John 5:17).
5. We must remember that this is not gender specific to apply to one sex and not the other. This principle applies to both male and female.
6. Since the scriptures teach that many cannot control their sexual appetites, and that the only solution is to be married in a lawful manner, we must conclude that by divorce, a person is put in a situation where the flesh wars against the spirit (Gal 5:16).
To be honest, there are really very few people who can overcome their fleshly desires. Most would give in to the sin of fornication sooner or later.
7. This is where this becomes a tragedy. This is also where false teaching will seek these people who have been placed into this unfortunate situation. By reason and logic, they would conclude that in this case, it would be alright to marry again, so that they do not commit fornication. They would say something to this effect; "Well, it just seems to me that God is not so cruel as to make this person suffer the rest of their lives because of what someone else did to them. I would suggest that they read Prov 16:25. Whether they commit fornication or adultery, both sins will send them to Hell.
These conclusions do not necessarily mean that the party that is put away has to commit adultery, but that if they do marry again, then they will be committing the sin of adultery.

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Only One Exception
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Divorce and Remarriage