Choose all correct answers in the following. (a few do not require answers, but are there for review)

1. The Holy Spirit is
a. A mystical, indefinite, indefinable, ethereal substance
b. The disposition of God
c. Simply the power of God
d. The Bible
e. None of the above

2. The Holy Spirit is
a. Eternal
b. Omnipotent
c. Omniscient
d. A Divine Being

3. The Holy Spirit is
a. Divine
b. Human
c. Mythical
d. None of the above

4. The following are attributed to the Holy Spirit
a. Knowledge
b. Will
c. Judgment
d. None of the above

5. The Holy Spirit possesses
a. Power to create
b. Miracle working power
c. Power to reveal the mind of God
d. Love for mankind

6. The Holy Spirit can be
a. Lied to
b. Grieved
c. Destroyed
d. Insulted

7. The Holy Spirit is
a. A person
b. A Divine Being
c. God
d. We cannot know what “The Holy Spirit” is

8. To say the Holy Spirit is a person means
a. He has a body of flesh and bones like men
b. He is a conscious, volitional, rational, moral being
c. The Holy Spirit is not a person

9. “One God” in the Bible means
a. There is only one person rightfully called “God”
b. There is one Godhood, and stands in contrast to idolatry with its gods of varying natures
c. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one person
d. Only the Father is God—the Son and the Holy Spirit are created beings not on an equal with the Father in godhood

10. When “The Holy Spirit” is in view in the Scriptures, what is meant is
a. Simply a being with eminent moral qualities
b. The holiest disposition one can possibly possess
c. The force or power of Jehovah
d. The one, special, unique, “Holy Spirit,” the Divine Spirit of God, the third person in the Godhead.

11. When referring to something in Scripture it can be said
a. The Scripture says
b. The prophet says
c. The Holy Spirit says
d. God says

12. When the same action is attributed to both the Holy Spirit and the Word, it must be concluded
a. The Holy Spirit exercises an influence on the human heart in addition to the influence of the Word on the heart.
b. The Holy Spirit is the Word
c. The Holy Spirit works through the Word in accomplishing the action
d. None of the above

13. We can have confidence that the Bible reveals the mind of God because
a. The church has been entrusted with safeguarding the Bible and has assured us of its reliability
b. The Holy Spirit testifies directly to each one’s heart assuring him of its trustworthiness
c. The Holy Spirit revealed it
d. Our parents taught us this

14. Men resist the Spirit when
a. They do not yield to the Spirit to enable them to speak in tongues
b. They do not yield obediently to what the Holy Spirit has revealed
c. They do not yield to what the apostles and prophets have written by the power of the Holy Spirit
d. They do not listen to preachers today who are baptized in the Holy Spirit

15. The work, or mission, of the Holy Spirit
a. Was to reveal and confirm the gospel of Jesus Christ through chosen apostles and prophets
b. To enable men to speak and write the words of God
c. To teach, encourage, and motivate men, through the words of the prophets, both oral and written, to obey God
d. To enable those elected for salvation from eternity to shed their depraved heart and to be able to understand and believe the gospel

16. In Luke’s record in Acts
a. People understood, believed, and obeyed the gospel without any direct operation on their heart by the Holy Spirit
b. People had their hearts changed by the omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit brought to bear directly on their hearts and were then were enabled to believe and obey the gospel
c. People were given faith as a gift by the direct power of the Holy Spirit on their hearts

17. On the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), the Holy Spirit exercised supernatural power
a. On the speakers
b. On the hearers
c. On no one
d. On everyone

18. The Holy Spirit
a. Was never involved in people’s conversion
b. Enabled teachers (prophets, apostles) to reveal the gospel so people could hear it, believe it, and be saved
c. Influenced lost men indirectly (through means) to be saved
d. Doesn’t care about men’s salvation

19. The Holy Spirit
a. Influences people through the revealed Word of God
b. Never has influenced people
c. Exercises direct influence upon people in addition to the Word
d. Influenced people in the past, but does not do so today

20. The Holy Spirit uses His omnipotent power directly on the heart to change the character of
a. All men
b. No one
c. Some men
d. Satan

21. The following came to believe and find salvation before and without hearing words to instruct, warn, and guide them
a. Ethiopian
b. Cornelius
c. No one

22. Men lost in sin were told
a. Pray to receive the Holy Spirit to be saved
b. Expect the Holy Spirit to do something supernatural to them to bring them to faith and salvation
c. Believe and obey the gospel
d. Only those individuals predestined from eternity to be saved would be able to believe and be saved by God’s grace

23. Some of the problems with the doctrine of the direct operation of the Holy Spirit on the heart of man to convict and convert him are
a. The Scriptures teach faith comes through hearing the Word of God
b. It denies God’s desire to save all men
c. It makes preaching the gospel useless
d. It destroys free moral agency and with it human responsibility

24. The Holy Spirit convicts the world about Jesus Christ
a. By exercising supernatural power upon the heart of the sinner giving him faith
b. Through the revelation given through the apostles and prophets of the New TestamentT
c. By operating through the church (its leaders or hierarchy) and using it to expose error and guide and assure of the truth
d. None of the above

25. The Jews in Acts 2 were convinced they were wrong about Jesus by
a. Being enabled to speak in tongues
b. Hearing, understanding, and believing the message the apostles delivered about Jesus being the Messiah
c. Being baptized in the Holy Spirit
d. An unexplainable feeling that came over them giving them warmth and faith

26. The word “convict” in Jn 16:8 means
a. Confirm one’s faith
b. Fill with a “born again” feeling of grace
c. Cause people to experience something from head to toe that they cannot explain
d. Prove wrong

27. The Father draws men to Himself (Jn 6:44)
a. By a still, small voice heard only in the conscience
b. By the Holy Spirit exercising an irresistible influence on the human heart
c. Hearing and learning the gospel Jesus taught
d. By a better felt than told experience of grace

28. “The Spirit gives life” (Jn 6:63) means
a. Through believing the gospel of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Messiah for the sins of men men, we can have spiritual life
b. Through exercising His power on depraved men and changing their heart, the Holy Spirit enables the elect to understand and believe the gospel
c. Just as the human spirit gives life to the body when eaten and digested, the words of Jesus about his flesh and blood give life to the soul when understood and believed
d. The Holy Spirit raises dead people

29. The reason the unbelieving Jews and Gentiles in Corinth (1Co. 1:17-31) were not drawn to God was
a. The preachers were not very capable speakers
b. The Jews stumbled over the idea of crucified Messiah for sin and the Gentiles considered such a message foolishness
c. The message was to difficult to understand
d. They were “natural” men and unable to understand the gospel without direct intervention by the Holy Spirit upon their hearts

30. Christians can
a. Grieve the Holy Spirit
b. Insult the Holy Spirit
c. Resist the Holy Spirit
d. None of the above

31. Christians grieve the Spirit
a. When they do not have enough faith to speak in tongues
b. Deny His miraculous working in Christians today
c. Do not listen to His revelation and live their life in accord with His teaching, admonition, and purpose for them
d. If they are not openly emotional when they worship

32. Christians can know they are sealed with the Holy Spirit
a. Through the gospel of salvation He revealed and confirmed
b. By the feeling they have in their heart
c. Through the church’s confirmation of their salvation
d. We cannot know if we are truly saved and have an inheritance

33. The unity of the Spirit
a. Is achieved by recognizing the elders as the authority in a church
b. Can be attained by trusting in the preacher and what he says is true
c. Is a goal that can only be realized by having a universal authority in the church today that determines doctrine and practice
d. Is based on the “oneness” of the Spirit’s revelation

34. The Holy Spirit (TRUE)
a. Comforts Christians
b. Sanctifies Christians
c. Fills Christians with hope
d. Influences the Christian through the revealed Word of God

34a. The Holy Spirit (False)
a. Does not influence the Christian
b. Exercises direct influence upon the Christian in addition to His influence through the Word
c.. Influenced Christians in the past, but does not do so today

35. Indicate each of the following either to be true or false.
a. Christians are washed by the Spirit.
b. Christians are cleansed by the Spirit.
c. Christians are sanctified by the Spirit.
d. Christians are washed, cleansed, and sanctified by a direct operation of the Spirit on the human heart.

36. The Spirit speaks to Christians today
a. In a still, small voice heard only by the recipient
b. Through the written Word of God
c. Through prophets God has raised up for this generation
d. Through the church and its decrees

37. When it is said the Spirit does something
a. It can only mean He does it directly, without using any means
b. It can mean He causes it to happen
c. It can mean He gives occasion for it to happen
d. Context and harmony must decide whether He does it immediately (without using means) or mediately (using means)

38. John the Baptist promised
a. The same people who would be baptized in the Holy Spirit would also be baptized in fire
b. Some people would be baptized in the Holy Spirit and some would be baptized in fire
c. Everyone in his audience could expect to receive baptism in the Holy Spirit
d. While he baptized men in water, the one coming after him and of whom he testified would be the one baptizing in the Holy Spirit and fire

39. Baptism in the Holy Spirit
a. Is for all Christians
b. Was promised to the apostles
c. Was for Christ

40. Holy Spirit baptism was
a. Administered by Christ
b. A promise to be received
c. To reveal and confirm the gospel of Christ
d. For special people for a special purpose

41. On the first Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ
a. Over 120 people that were with the apostles were baptized with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues
b. The apostles used the power they had been given by being baptized in the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel and confirm it with miracles
c. The apostles evidenced they had received the promise of the baptism of the Holy Spirit
d. Holy Spirit baptism began to be experienced as an example to be sought by all Christians of all ages

42. Like the people on Pentecost, men today can experience
a. Speaking in tongues
b. Being slain in the Spirit and falling down
c. Repentance and baptism for the forgiveness of sins
d. Uncontrollable outbursts of emotion displayed in shouting, running, and jumping

43. When people today claim they have been baptized in the Spirit
a. We should believe them
b. We should want to have what they have
c. We should examine the Scriptures to see if what they say can be correct
d. We should try to teach them their error if given the opportunity

44. To be “filled with the Spirit” is to
a. Be given the ability to speak in tongues
b. To be baptized with the Spirit
c. To be intensely influenced by the Spirit, whether by being given miraculous powers, or by being controlled and motivated in heart, speech, and action.
d. To be in an ecstatic state wherein one’s consciousness is wholly given over to miraculous influences by the Holy Spirit

45. You can know people have been baptized in the Holy Spirit
a. When they speak in tongues
b. When they have uncontrollable physical reactions such as shaking, falling down, etc.
c. When one who has the baptism of the Holy Spirit today tells you someone else has received it
d. None of the above

46. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is best described as
a. An overwhelming with His power, enabling one to reveal the mind of God, perform all the spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit gave men, and impart miraculous power to others by laying hands on them
b. Having the power to speak in tongues given to one directly from heaven
c. An ecstatic, better felt than told experience that fills the soul and assures one of salvation
d. None of the above

47. When we see the phrase, “filled with the Spirit”
a. We can be assured it is talking about being baptized in the Spirit
b. It is talking about being given the ability to speak in tongues
c. It must be interpreted contextually
d. It may, or may not, refer to a supernatural power imparted to someone

48. Baptism in the Holy Spirit
a. Changed the moral character of a man
b. Granted physical healing and strength to the individual
c. Assured one of financial and social prosperity
d. None of the above

49. The Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius and his household
a. To save them
b. To remove their depraved nature
c. To assure them they were saved
d. To show that it was God’s will that Gentiles could be saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ

50. “Just as upon us at the beginning” (Ac. 11:15)
a. Can refer to manner rather than measure
b. Points to the unique fact that these two cases (apostles, Cornelius) are the only ones in which men received supernatural power from the Holy Spirit without the intervention of human hands from the day of Pentecost until this event
c. Indicated it was God’s choice the Gentiles should receive the gospel, not Peter’s, or any other man (Ac. 15:7,8)
d. Is not referring to “baptism” in the Holy Spirit, but to how men received supernatural power from the Holy Spirit.

51. “The same gift as He gave to us” (Acts 11:17) refers to
a. Holy Spirit baptism
b. Salvation through faith in the gospel of Christ
c. Apostleship
d. Salvation for the Gentiles as well as for the Jews

52. To be “born of the Spirit” is to
a. Be baptized in the Holy Spirit
b. To become a citizen of the kingdom of God through an obedient faith in Jesus as the Anointed King and Savior
c. To undergo an inexplicable experience of divine power by which the grace of God completely changes the heart and will of man
d. Baptized as an infant to Spirit filled parents

53. “Pour forth of My Spirit” (Ac. 2:17)
a. Is the same as baptism in the Spirit
b. Employs different imagery literally than “baptized”
c. Connotes something different figuratively thant “baptized in the Spirit”
d. None of the above

54. When the Spirit was “poured forth” on people (Ac. 2:17-18)
a. They burst out in uncontrollable ecstasy, running, jumping, and shouting
b. They fell to the ground as if slain by the Spirit
c. They were enabled to prophesy, see visions, and dream dreams of Divine import
d. They sang louder, prayed harder, and lived more righteous lives

55. Joel’s prophecy (Ac. 2:16-18) promised the Spirit would be poured forth
a. On Jewish people, young and old, male and female, who were God’s bondslaves
b. On the apostles only
c. On Christians of all ages
d. On unconverted people to convert them

56. “By one Spirit we were all baptized” (1Co. 12:13) means
a. Through the teaching and motivation of the Word of God revealed by the Spirit of God they were baptized into Christ
b. The Corinthians experienced Holy Spirit baptism and spoke in tongues
c. All Christians should seek Holy Spirit baptism
d. None of the above

57. All the Corinthian Christians
a. Spoke in tongues
b. Were baptized in the Holy Spirit
c. Led exemplary holy lives empowered by the Holy Spirit
d. Were baptized in water to be saved

58. The “initial sign” of Holy Spirit baptism
a. Is not mentioned in Scripture
b. Is an assumed distinction from the “gifts” of the Holy Spirit in 1Co. 12
c. Is what every saved person should seek
d. Is why we should believe Pentecostal preachers

59. Every Christian should experience
a. Baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit
b. One baptism
c. No baptism—baptism is not important
d. Three baptisms—one in the name of the Father, one in the name of the Son, and one in the name of the Holy Spirit

60. Holy Spirit baptism
a. Removes the inherited, depraved nature of man
Is in order to obtain the forgiveness of sins
b. Is evidence of pardon and assurance of grace
c. Gives power to live a life of holiness and dedicated service
d. None of the above

61. True or false …?
a. Cornelius was depraved before the Holy Spirit fell on him
b. Baptism in the Holy Spirit enabled the Corinthians to live a life devotion and sanctity
c. The Samaritans could be assured they were saved because Jesus promised salvation to those who believed and were baptized
d. John the Baptist promised that all he baptized would be baptized in the Holy Spirit

62. Differences in Holy Spirit baptism and water baptism are
a. One is in the Holy Spirit and one is in water
b. One is a promise and one is a command
c. One puts men into Christ and one does not
d. One was for special people for special purposes and the other is for all men who need salvation in Christ

63. If a preacher today claims to be baptized in the Holy Spirit
a. We ought to pay even more respect to him
b. We can know he is deluded or an outright fraud
c. His teaching should harmonize with what the Scriptures teachHis teaching should harmonize with what the Scriptures teach—if they do not, this undermines his claims
d. He is worthy of our support due to the good he does

64. Men in the first century who were baptized in the Holy Spirit
a. Taught the same doctrine other men baptized in Spirit taught
b. Could give undeniable signs they were apostles
c. Taught believers to be baptized for the remission of sins
d. Never used their power to make themselves rich

65. Apostles who were baptized in the Holy Spirit in the New Testament
a. Engaged in slaying people in the Spirit
b. Raised large sums of money from the large crowds they gathered
c. Were humble men, never seeking their own glory or wealth
d. Sent an entourage before them to announce their coming

66. Indications a preacher today is not baptized in the Holy Spirit are
a. His name is Paul
b. He says the people he heals must have faith
c. He cannot perform miracles that are observable and undeniable by all
d. Practices “progressive” healing where the sick person gets well over time but not instantaneously

67. “Dwell in,” as used by the authors of the Scriptures
a. Always meant a personal, literal abode by which direct influence was exerted on the heart and life of the individual
b. Continued influence in the heart and life of an individual
c. Being united with another in heart, will and life
d. Continuing, gracious fellowship

68. The following are spoken of as dwelling or abiding in the Christian
a. God
b. Christ
c. The Holy Spirit
d. None of the above

69. True or False
a. Christians abide in God
b. Christ abides in God
c. Christians abide in Christ
d. God abides in Christ

70. “Dwells in” or “abides in” is put in contrast to
a. Having no spiritual gifts
b. Having no direct inward impulse and guidance
c. Transitoriness, leaving
d. None of the above

71. The Holy Spirit dwells in us, or influences us
a. In order to lead us to salvation
b. In order to give us inward moral strength apart from faith in the Word of God
c. In order to guide us into the truth by leading us inwardly to correct interpretation of the Bible when we study
d. In order to give us power to speak in tongues

72. The Holy Spirit influences men and women
a. Inwardly and directly in addition to the influence of the Word of God
b. Through His revelation, the Word of God
c. Inwardly and directly apart from the Word of God so that they will be enabled to understand the Word of God
d. None of the above

73. True or False
a. The Holy Spirit dwells in Christians
b. The Holy Spirit has nothing to do with our lives as Christians.
c. The Holy Spirit is the Word of God.
d. If you believe the Bible, you must believe that the Holy Spirit personally and literally dwells within Christians.

74. The Holy dwells in us
a. To give us the ability to speak in tongues
b. To encourage, warn, and strengthen us
c. Through His revelation, the Word of God
d. To provide internal, subjective witness of salvation

75. If the Holy Spirit dwells in us
a. We will have hope
b. We will live lives of love and moral purity
c. We will want to engage in genuine worship of thanksgiving
d. It will not affect us

76. The Holy Spirit
a. Does not really dwell in the Christian
b. Does not literally and personally dwell in the Christian
c. Dwells in the Christian in the sense of an abiding and influencing relationship
d. Has so designed His revelation that if it is understood, believed, cherished, and obeyed, it will motivate, guide, and mold a person to be what God wants him or her to be

77. “The gift of the Holy Spirit” in Ac. 2:38
a. Grammatically must mean, “The gift which is the Holy Spirit”
b. Grammatically must mean, “The gift which is from the Holy Spirit”
c. Must be interpreted according to context and harmony as to whether it is referring to “a” or “b”
d. Cannot be understood

78. The gift of the Holy Spirit promised in Ac. 2:38 is
a. Holy Spirit baptism evidenced by speaking in tongues
b. Power to work miracles
c. The salvation the Holy Spirit had promised in the prophets
d. An inexplicable indwelling of the Holy Spirit Himself

79. God has given the Holy Spirit to those who obey Him (Ac. 5:32)
a. Refers to the power of the Holy Spirit given to the apostles to reveal and confirm the gospel with miracles
b. Is a promise to all obedient believers that they will be given the Holy Spirit
c. Served to answer the question of who was obeying God on this occasion—the Jewish leaders or the apostles
d. Is the reason you can know that preachers today who claim to be baptized in the Holy Spirit are God’s anointed

80. When “Spirit” is capitalized in the Bible
a. It always refers to the Holy Spirit
b. It may refer to the Holy Spirit
c. It never refers to the Holy Spirit
d. It reflects the translators views as to whether it is the Holy Spirit

81. When Scripture says the Spirit is given to someone
a. It means the Spirit personally and literally will be given to the person
b. It could mean the Spirit’s power will be given to someone
c. It could mean the blessings the Spirit promised would be given
d. It may refer to the Spirit’s word that grants guidance, strengthening, or hope

82. When it is said the Spirit is given to “us”
a. We need to be sure who the “us” are in the context
b. It always means to all Christians
c. It means the person or persons reading that Scripture today
d. It may refer to specific group or category of people

83. Since “Spirit” is capitalized in Rom. 8:26
a. We can know assuredly it refers to the Holy Spirit
b. It may refer to the Holy Spirit
c. It was capitalized in the ancient manuscripts
d. It reflects the translators views as to whether the Holy Spirit is being referred to

84. If “Spirit” in Rom. 8:26, “the Spirit also helps our weakness,” is the Holy Spirit
a. This verse assures us that the Holy Spirit strengthens us in our weaknesses in the time of temptations
b. The Holy Spirit is promised to help us know how to pray when due our weakness we do not know what to ask
c. The Holy Spirit exerts an influence upon God in our behalf

85. The word “spirit” is used in Scripture to refer to
a. The Holy Spirit
b. A disposition, or attitude
c. By metonymy, for the gospel the Holy Spirit foretold and revealed
d. The human spirit within our body

86. Miracles have ceased in the sense that
a. God will not do anything miraculous on this earth again.
b. The spiritual gifts discussed in 1Co. 12 have ceased.
c. “There is nothing new under the sun”—nothing will amaze us anymore.
d. None of the above.

87. The Holy Spirit gave the following the power to speak in tongues
a. The apostles
b. Cornelius and his household
c. Christians upon whom the apostles had laid their hands
d. All Christians of the first century

88. Match the proper purpose for the Holy Spirit giving supernatural power to the following:
a. Apostles
b. Cornelius
c. Christians of first century

a. Prove Gentiles accepted by God
b. Edify the saints
c. Reveal and confirm the gospel

89. Christians throughout the churches in the first century received the power to exercise spiritual gifts through
a. The laying on of the apostles’ hands
b. A direct outpouring of the Holy Spirit from heaven
c. Prayer
d. Baptism

90. God intended spiritual gifts to
a. Be exercised by the church throughout the time the church existed
b. Be given only to the apostles and to Cornelius and his household
c. Be temporary and to cease when revelation was completed
d. None of the above

91. “Edification” as Paul used it in 1 Co. 14 and required in their assemblies meant
a. Being built up by simply knowing someone in that audience was being moved by a miraculous presence and power of the Spirit
b. The emotional consciousness of God’s grace among His people
c. Speaking in tongues unknown to the speaker or to others in the assembly
d. Understanding what was being said and being strengthened through that understanding

92. God wants the assemblies of churches to be
a. Orderly
b. Peaceful
c. In accord with the goal of edification
d. There is nothing in the Scriptures that regulates assemblies

93. To believe in miracles today requires
a. A greater faith
b. A direct operation of the Holy Spirit on the unenlightened heart
c. Prayer and sacrifice
d. A misunderstanding of the Divine will and purpose for miracles

94. The apostle Paul wrote that the better spiritual gift and the one to be desired was
a. Tongues
b. Prophesy
c. Interpretation of tongues
d. Healings

95. In the miracles of the first century
a. Healings were instantaneous
b. Faith on the part of the person being healed was not always required
c. Collections were not taken
d. Organic disorders (e.g. sight restored, leprosy cured, dead raised) were regularly healed

96. Those who do not believe in miracles today
a. Limit the power of God
b. Lack enough faith to believe in what God has promised and is doing
c. Are not lead by the Spirit
d. None of the above

97. Those who do not believe in the historical validity of the signatures designed to confirm the U.S. Constitution
a. Lack faith in the historical evidence designed to confirm to future generations the genuineness of the document
b. Have an exemplary, well grounded faith, not because of the validity of the signatures, but because they have a feeling the document is genuine
c. Would be correct in asserting that if someone today signed the document, it would prove it’s genuineness
d. Are the most rational of folks when they contend that no historical evidence is sufficient reason for people today to believe in the genuineness of that document

98. The gift of tongues
a. Served to seal that one was saved
b. Served as sign that one had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit
c. Served to satisfy the emotional needs of being a Christian
d. None of the above

99. The “tongues” of the New Testament
a. Were unintelligible angel languages
b. Erupted from a state of ecstasy and were uncontrollable
c. Brought people of different doctrinal backgrounds together in unity
d. Were common languages native to people’s culture

100. The gift of tongues present in the early churches
a. Allowed women to stand up and address the assembly in tongues
b. Proved the Spirit was moving among them, and the more who spoke with the tongues, the mightier was the church filled with the Spirit
c. Were spoken by several at the same time in the spirit filled assemblies
d. Was held up by the apostles as the best gift of all
e. None of the above

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