Are the tongues in the Bible the same as those in the Charismatic Movement?

The charismatic movement cannot be separated from the gift thought to be received and exercised called “tongues.” It is a main error, if not a root of the movement. The following serves to expose the error of its teaching and practice on “tongues.” Every position we examine may not be true of every charismatic, but they are true of various segments of the movement.

They teach tongues are for all. But, what what is the answer to all seven questions in 1Co. 12:29-30?

They believe and practice tongues as an ecstatic utterance (“ecstatic” = “caused by ecstasy” and “ecstasy” = “a state of being overpowered with emotion” WNWD) that must be strongly desired. Do you see either a state of ecstasy or a strong desire for tongues in either of the following: Acts 2,10, or 19:1-7?

They claim to be “pentecostal,” i.e. to experience what happened to those on the Pentecost of Acts 2, but in at least two ways their experience differs from that of Pentecost.
• Pentecostals today claim to speak in an unintelligible language which they call tongues. What were the tongues spoken on Pentecost, Ac. 2:1-11?
• Pentecostals today claim to be saved by faith only. But what did the people on Pentecost do to be saved, Ac. 2:37-41?

Some look on tongues as the supreme gift. Which spiritual gift did Paul say was greater, 1Co. 14:1-5?

They consider unintelligible jabbering greater than words easily understood. What did Paul say about words others did not understand, 1Co. 14:6-19?

They believe tongues are for the spiritual life of the individual. God intended them for whose benefit, 1Co. 12:7; 14:26-31?

They look on tongues as a personal sign one has received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Paul spoke of them as a sign to whom, 1Co. 14:22? This was their use in Acts 2 and 10.

They look on tongues as a sign of spiritual maturity. Although the Corinthians could speak in tongues, Paul chided them for being what, 1Co. 14:20?

What were the regulations relative to how many could speak in tongues and when, 1Co. 14:27-32? Contrast the modern exercise of “tongues.”

They speak in tongues even when there is no interpreter. If there was no interpreter in the Corinthian assembly, what then, 1Co. 14:28?

They have confusion and disorder in their assemblies. Is God the author of this, 1Co. 14:33,40?

They do not restrict women preaching in the assembly. What did Paul say about women and their conduct in the assembly, 1Co. 14:34-35?

They teach that tongues were given until Christ comes, not as something “in part” as with the other miraculous gifts which would cease when the “perfect” comes. 1Co. 13:8-13; Jn. 16:13; Ac. 8:14-20.

“2 a. Of or relating to the worldwide Christian church. b. Concerned with establishing or promoting unity among churches or religions.” AHD
They use tongue speaking and other spiritual gifts in an effort to unify Catholics and Protestant Denominations, regardless of their doctrinal differences. Catholicism and Protestantism differ on crucial issues such as the mediation of Mary, the infallibility of the Pope, the authority of tradition, and how men are saved. Protestants differ among themselves on such vital issues as the salvation, the nature of the Godhead, the kind of worship God approves. Rather than ignoring such departures from the faith, what should be the attitude and conduct of the followers of Christ? Mt. 7:15-27; 15:1-14; 1Co. 14:37-38; 2Tim. 4:1-5; Tit. 2:10-14.

Unity must be on the basis of the revealed truth of God’s Word. Gal. 2:3-5; Eph. 4:1-16; Col. 2:6-8, 18-23; 2Th. 2:15; 1Tim. 1:3-4; 2Tim. 2:14-18; ; 1Pt. 5:12; 2Pt. 3:14-18; 2Jn. 9-11.
How then can we explain the tongue phenomena today? “Dr. John Kildahl wrote in his book, The Psychology of Speaking in Tongues: ‘We attended many meetings where glossolalia both occurred and was interpreted, and noted that the interpretations were usually of a very general nature. After a segment of tongue-speech an interpreter commonly offered the explanation that the speaker had been thanking and praising God for many blessings. Another frequent theme was that the speaker was asking for strength and guidance for himself and for others. However, perhaps a third of the time, the interpreters offered specific interpretations of what the glossalists said. More rarely the interpreter “translated” phrase by phrase and sentence by sentence. In order to investigate the accuracy of these interpretations we undertook to play a taped example of tongue speech privately for several different interpreters. In no instance was there any similarity in the several interpretations. The following typified our results: one said the tongue-speaker was praying for the health of his children; another that the same tongue-speech was an expression of gratitude to God for a recently successful church fund-raising effort.’” (Taken from an article by Robert Goodman)

Quick Quiz

Choose all correct answers in the following.

1. The gift of tongues
a. Served to seal that one was saved
b. Served as sign that one had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit
c. Served to satisfy the emotional needs of being a Christian
d. None of the above

2. The “tongues” of the New Testament
a. Were unintelligible angel languages
b. Erupted from a state of ecstasy and were uncontrollable
c. Brought people of different doctrinal backgrounds together in unity
d. Were common languages native to people’s culture

3. The gift of tongues present in the early churches
a. Allowed women to stand up and address the assembly in tongues
b. Proved the Spirit was moving among them, and the more who spoke with the tongues, the mightier was the church filled with the Spirit
c. Were spoken by several at the same time in the spirit filled assemblies
d. Was held up by the apostles as the best gift of all
e. None of the above

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