What do 1Corinthians 12-14 teach about spiritual gifts, their source, design, importance, and use?

1Corinthians, chapters 12-14
• Ch. 12 - Unity of source and design of spiritual gifts.
All from one and the same God and designed for the common good.
• Ch. 13 - Excellency of love over spiritual gifts
Shown by love’s absence, presence, and duration
• Ch. 14 - Exercise of spiritual gifts in their assembly
To be exercised for the edification of all (accords with the demands of love).

Chapter 12
? 12:1-11 - All spiritual gifts from same source—one and the same Spirit.
? 12:12-31 - All gifts to members of the same body, and thus to be used for good of the body as a whole.
What are these gifts called in v5? What does this word connote?
According to v7, what was the purpose of these “manifestations of the Spirit”? The analogy in vv12ff illustrates this.
Is there anything in this chapter, or in the entire Corinthian letter, to indicate that these gifts worked a moral change in those who possessed them?
Read Eph. 4:17-24, Col. 1:9-10, to see what changes people’s lives.
Since “knowledge,” “prophecy” and “tongues” are given by “same” Spirit, any exercise of the gift of tongues given by this Spirit must be consistent with what this Spirit taught and revealed about tongues, their purpose and use. If people today claim to have this gift, but their experience does not harmonize with what the Spirit taught and revealed in the New Testament, what must be concluded about the gift of “tongues” one claims to possess?

Chapter 13
Chapter 12:31 introduces the relationship between spiritual gifts and love, and prepares for Paul’s discussion of why love is the “more excellent way.” The excellency of love over spiritual gifts is shown by …
• It’s absence, vv1-3. Note, underline, or, mark the “do not have” phrases. Even though possessing the greatest spiritual gifts, if love is absent, “I am nothing!”
• Its presence, vv4-7. Note what love does, i.e. how it makes one think and act toward his fellow man.
• Its duration, vv8-13. Love was needed then, and always will be—“Love never fails.” See the contrast with spiritual gifts which by divine intent are temporary and “will be done away.” Note, underline, or, mark the “never fails” family of words, i.e. words having to do with duration, time: “will be done away,” “will cease,” “When,” “used to,” “did away with,” “now” [not in v13], “then,” “abide.”
A contrast is drawn: Faith, hope, and love “abide” while spiritual gifts “will be done away.” When will hope come to an end? Rom. 8:24,25.
If spiritual gifts last until the end of time, what happens to the contrast?
Think of the applications of what Paul said to their (the Corinthians) attitude toward spiritual gifts and their use.

Chapter 14
Maturity in love (ch. 13) and understanding relative to spiritual gifts would regulate their exercise in the assembly of the church (v23), making edification of the assembly the overall measure of their use.
Mark, or list, the various forms of the word “edify” throughout the chapter (e.g., “edifies,” “edification,” etc.) This was to be the governing principle in the exercise of their gifts in their assemblies. Note especially verse 26.
As edification was the governing principle, it is important to know what the apostle meant by it. We cannot arbitrarily, apart from the context, attach a meaning to the word. Look for the words and phrases that show that understanding what is said is ESSENTIAL to the “edification” Paul spoke of. (Suggestion: underline them in the same color you highlighted the word “edify,” or list them on a sheet of paper with the verses where they occur.)
Mark, or list, the words “tongue” and “tongues” throughout the chapter. It is clear that Paul makes special application of this principle to the exercise of this gift.
Tongues are of no profit unless they provide what, v6?
Unless with the tongue one utters “speech that is clear,” he will be doing what, v. 9?
When a man prayed in a tongue, others are “NOT edified” if they did not do what, vv16,17?
“Tongue” is used by metonymy for language. Note v21. Look up and read the Old Testament setting.
What requisite for their assemblies is given in vv33, 40?
Compare the above with the assemblies of those today who claim to exercise these gifts. The contrast further underscores that the uncontrolled and disorderly outbursts in charismatic meetings today are NOT authored by God. If one says, “I cannot help it,” that further indicts them of counterfeit “gifts,” for ‘the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.’ (v. v32). Claimed spiritual powers do not exempt from these regulations, vv37-38.
Note v37. Compare 1:1; 4:17; 7:17,40. There is no neutral ground. Either these letters are fraudulent and ought to be exposed, or, they are what Paul claimed them to be and are to be revered, cherished, studied, believed, and obeyed!

Quick Quiz
Choose all correct answers in the following.

1. “Edification” as Paul used it in 1 Co. 14 and required in their assemblies meant
a. Being built up by simply knowing someone in that audience was being moved by a miraculous presence and power of the Spirit
b. The emotional consciousness of God’s grace among His people
c. Speaking in tongues unknown to the speaker or to others in the assembly
d. Understanding what was being said and being strengthened through that understanding

2. God wants the assemblies of churches to be
a. Orderly
b. Peaceful
c. In accord with the goal of edification
d. There is nothing in the Scriptures that regulate how assemblies are to be conducted

3. To believe in miracles today requires
a. A greater faith
b. A direct operation of the Holy Spirit on the unenlightened heart
c. Prayer and sacrifice
d. A misunderstanding of the Divine will and purpose for miracles

4. The apostle Paul wrote that the better spiritual gift and the one to be desired was
a. Tongues
b. Prophesy
c. Interpretation of tongues
d. Healings

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