Who had power to work miracles? What was their purpose? How did they receive this power? How long were miracles to exist?

“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant,” 1Co. 12:1 (NKJV). As the apostle Paul did not wish the Corinthians to be ignorant concerning spiritual gifts, we should not be either. Thus our study.
“Spiritual” - produced by the Holy Spirit, not natural ability, 1Co. 12:4,8-113.
“Gifts,” 1Co. 12:4 - supernatural powers given by divine grace (e.g., the nine listed, 12:8-10; another list in 12:28-30 and in 14:26).

Clarifying the Issue
Charismatic Movement
The Greek word for “gifts” in 1Co. 12:4 is charisma, thus “charismatic movement.” The renewed interest and belief in the exercise of spiritual gifts is sometimes referred to as the charismatic movement.
“Charismatic” = “2. ... of any of various religious groups or movements that stress direct divine inspiration, manifested as in glossolalia, healing powers, etc.” WNWD. (“glossalalia” -“from Greek glossa ‘language, tongue’ + lalia ‘speech.’” OSX. “tongues, 1Co 12:10 = glOssa.)
Some look on the charismatic movement as evidence of renewed interest in spiritual things. They believe it is leading to deeper devotion, higher love and is doing more to promote unity than anything else. But, in fact, it is deceiving people with a false sense of devotion and closeness to God. Compare Col. 2:18,19.

Let us be clear about what we mean by “miracles.” We might say, “Miracles have ceased.” But, one of the greatest miracles is yet to occur, i.e. the resurrection. Or, people may use the word “miracles” simply in the sense of something so extraordinary that we are amazed—”“it’s a miracle you could stay awake through that preacher’s sermon!” But, if in this lesson we say “miracles have ceased,” we mean miracles in the sense of the spiritual gifts listed in 1Co. 12,14 have ceased. The word can be used to refer to all of them as works of divine power through the hands of men, or more specifically, to one of them, v10. There are no such miracles today.

Objection: Limiting God’s power
One may object that to say God no longer gives men miracle working power is to limit God’s power. But, it is not a question of power, but of will. The questions that must be answered are:
• WHO did He give this power to?
• What is His PURPOSE in giving such power to men?
• HOW did He decree this power would be received?
• How LONG did He intend these powers to be exercised?
Compare: does God still create men from the dust? If you answer, “No,” are you limiting his power? Did God give men in the time of Malachi (400’s B.C.) the power He gave Moses (1400’s B.C.) to work miracles? If you answer, “No,” are you limiting His power?
The real issue: God’s will and purpose in spiritual gifts under the New Covenant
The question is NOT whether God can and did empower men to exercise supernatural powers such as speaking in tongues, but whether He willed and purposed for ALL who live under the New Covenant, including people of today, to have these spiritual gifts.
Who do the following scriptures indicate had power to work miracles?
• Ac. 2:43?
• Ac. 10:15,24,33-35,44-465; 11:1,18; 15:7-9?
• Ac. 8:16-19?
This is ALL the WHO.
If there are any other who received this power under the New Covenant, write the scriptures here.

What was God’s purpose in these having the power to work miracles?
• Apostles? Mk. 16:20; Ac. 1:8; Heb. 2:4
• First Gentiles to receive the gospel? Ac. 11:18; 15:7-9
• Those on whom apostles laid hands? 1Co. 12:7; 14:5,12,26
These are the PURPOSES of these gifts.
If there are any other purposes, write the scriptures here.

How did men receive the power to work these miracles?
• Apostles? Ac. 1:4-5…8; Mt. 3:11
• Cornelius? Ac. 11:15
• Christians? Ac. 8:16-19
There is no other way these gifts were received.
If there is any other way one received the power to exercise spiritual gifts, write the scripture here.

When these gifts fulfilled the purpose for which they were given, then they would cease. How long did God intend for men to exercise such powers?
• Apostles? 2Pt. 1:12-15; Eph. 3:1-5
• Cornelius? Ac. 11:15-18; Ac. 15
• Christians? 1Co. 13:8-13; Ac. 8:16-19
Their purpose being accomplished, these gifts no longer needed or exercised.
If God intended these gifts to continue to be exercised throughout all time, write the scripture that indicates this here.

Quick Quiz
Choose all correct answers in the following.
1. Miracles have ceased in the sense that
a. God will not do anything miraculous on this earth again.
b. The spiritual gifts discussed in 1Co. 12 have ceased.
c. “There is nothing new under the sun”—nothing will amaze us anymore.
d. None of the above.

2. The Holy Spirit gave the following the power to speak in tongues
a. The apostles
b. Cornelius and his household
c. Christians upon whom the apostles had laid their hands
d. All Christians of the first century

3. Match the proper purpose for the Holy Spirit giving supernatural power to the following:
a. Apostles
b. Cornelius
c. Christians of first century

a. Prove Gentiles accepted by God
b. Edify the saints
c. Reveal and confirm the gospel

4. Christians throughout the churches in the first century received the power to exercise spiritual gifts through
a. The laying on of the apostles’ hands
b. A direct outpouring of the Holy Spirit from heaven
c. Prayer
d. Baptism

5. God intended spiritual gifts to
a. Be exercised by the church throughout the time the church existed
b. Be given only to the apostles and to Cornelius and his household
c. Be temporary and to cease when revelation was completed
d. None of the above

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