What is “the gift of the Holy Spirit” promised to Christians (Ac 2:38)? Doesn’t God give the Holy Spirit to those who obey Him (Ac 5:32)?
Ac. 2:38
“…you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” is Divine promise to obedient believers. Is it ...
• Holy Spirit Baptism? This a “proof text” of “Pentecostalism.”
• Miraculous powers?
• Personal indwelling?
• Salvation in Christ which the Holy Spirt had promised?
“gift OF…”
Either “gift WHICH IS the Holy Spirit” (Compare “sign of [which is] circumcision” Rom. 4:11; “breastplate of [which is] righteousness” Eph. 6:14) In these cases, what follows “of” identifies what precedes it.
Or, “gift COMING FROM the Holy Spirit [i.e., His promise]” (Compare “gift of [coming from] God,“ Jn. 4:10; “praise of [coming from] men, God“ Jn. 12:43. In these cases, what follows “of” refers to the origin of what precedes it.
For example, the Church in Humble gives $100 to a preacher for traveling expenses. It could be called “a gift OF [which is, identity] $100,” or, “a gift OF [coming from, origin] The Humble Church of Christ.”
How can we know which way “of” is used in Ac. 2:38? Context and harmony must decide. Let’s use these two tools to ascertain the meaning.
(Note: Some versions translate, “will receive the Holy Spirit as a gift.” International Standard Version. In doing so, they have interpreted rather than simply translate. Check the major translations.)

Gift “OF” [which is] The Holy Spirit
(objective genitive; gen. of identity, or apposition)
Baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues
? 3000 did what Peter said in 2:38 (v41)— according to the context (Acts 2), how many spoke in tongues? (Tongues are considered evidence of Holy Spirit baptism.)
Question for thought: Did NONE of the others “seek” it?
? Thousands obeyed in days following: 3,000 the first day, 2:41; “number of men came to be about 5,000.” 4:4; “multitudes ... constantly added,” 5:14; “disciples increasing in number,” 6:1. In chapters 1-5, who, and who alone, are said to be working miracles among these thousands of obedient believers, 2:43, 3:1...6-8, 4:33, 5:12?
? “Baptism in Holy Spirit” was promised to whom and for what purpose? Acts 1:1-8, Jn 13-16.
Note: ONLY APOSTLES are said to be “witnessing” 2:33; 4:33; , 3:15, 4:19,20, 4:33, 5:30-32, 10:39-41, 13:31. The “gift” of 2:38 was promised to all the saved.
? Based on the above data from the context and harmonizing relevant passages, is the “gift” of Ac. 2:38 Holy Spirit baptism?
If “YES” ...
• Many should evidence receiving Holy Spirit baptism
• Holy Spirit baptism was for all the saved
But, according to the CONTEXT and OTHER SCRIPTURES ...
• Only apostles evidence receiving baptism in the Holy Spirit
• Holy Spirit baptism was for special witnesses—the apostles

Non miraculous indwelling of the Holy Spirit
? Some believe the Holy Spirit Himself that comes to dwell in you, but can’t explain what it does. Basis for this view? ONLY the assumption that “of” means “which is” (objective genitive). There is nothing in wording or in the context to lead to this conclusion. In fact, it ignores context and harmony...(see below)
? The Holy Spirit influences (comfort, peace, etc.) through the Word. (See previous lessons.)
Gift “OF” [coming from] the Holy Spirit
(subjective genitive: gen. of origin)

Miraculous power, ability to work spiritual gifts (1Co. 12:4,11)
? 3000 did what Peter said in 2:38 (v41)— according to the context (Acts 2), how many were working miracles? 2:43; 3:1...8; 5:12
? Did repentance and baptism guarantee that one would have miraculous powers, Ac 8:12-18?
? In accord with Ac. 8:12-18, only after the apostles laid their hands on the early disciples is it said that anyone else but apostles worked miracles, Ac 6:6...8
? In the context, was Peter speaking of his audience having miraculous powers either before or after this, and is there any indication they expected or experienced such?
? Even if one says it was conditional upon laying on of the apostles’ hands and confined to first century, you still have these problems
• who actually worked miracles through chapter 5
• baptized believers not thereby endued with miraculous powers according to 8:12-18
• context favors another view — see above and below

Salvation in Christ that the Holy Spirit promised
? Context
• What Peter was PREACHING ABOUT, i.e. PROMISE of salvation in name of the Lord - v21
Audience: Jews. They were familiar with the Holy Spirit and with the concept of the Holy Spirit speaking through scripture. Ac. 1:16...20; 2:25-30...33; 4:25,26; 2Sam. 23:2; 2Pt. 1:20-21
• What the audience NEEDED - salvation - vv23,37
• WHY the audience was told they ought to repent and be baptized - to be saved (“for forgiveness of sins”) - v38
• What we know the audience RECEIVED - salvation - vv41,47
In the immediate context he had introduced a promise the Holy Spirit had made to “everyone”: v21. The “saved” of v21 are those who enjoy the “forgiveness of sins” of v38. It is this that the immediate context shows them to be concerned about, vv36,37. After telling them obedient believers would receive “the gift of the Holy Spirit” he immediately says, “For the promise..” —this clearly connects the “gift” with “the promise,” i.e., the promise of the context, v21, salvation through calling on the name of the Lord. This promise is the very thing this audience needed to understand! Their concept had been that the promise in the prophets was one of temporal salvation from civil oppression. Peter explains that those who repent and are baptized for forgiveness of sins will receive what Holy Spirit promised in Joel (and other prophets).

? Harmony
• Consistent with what they preached: Ac. 3:24-25; 10:43; 11:17-18; 13:32-38; 26:6...22,23.
• Consistent with what they wrote: Eph. 2:11-16 (Note: “far off,” v. 13); Heb. 6:4; Gal. 3:8..14..16-19..22..29; 1Pt. 1:10-12.
• (Note: this “salvation” was “prophesied” through the Old Testament by the Holy Spirit and then when the time came it was “announced” by the New Testament prophets by the Holy Spirit.)
Ac. 5:32
Read vv17-32. Whose obedience to God is being challenged? (Note the command in v20 and the “obey God” phrases in vv29,32. Note 4:18-20.)
What are they doing that is the focus of this whole event?
How was the testimony of these “witnesses” being confirmed? See Jn. 15:26,27; Ac. 1:8; 14:3; Heb. 2:4.
The Holy Spirit was given to the apostles to confirm their witness to the gospel of Jesus as the Christ by the means of the miracles they worked.

Quick Quiz
Choose all correct answers in the following.
1. “The gift of the Holy Spirit” in Ac. 2:38
a. Grammatically must mean, “The gift which is the Holy Spirit”
b. Grammatically must mean, “The gift which is from the Holy Spirit”
c. Must be interpreted according to context and harmony as to whether it is referring to “a” or “b”
d. Cannot be understood

2. The gift of the Holy Spirit promised in Ac. 2:38 is
a. Holy Spirit baptism evidenced by speaking in tongues
b. Power to work miracles
c. The salvation the Holy Spirit had promised in the prophets
d. An inexplicable indwelling of the Holy Spirit Himself

3. God has given the Holy Spirit to those who obey Him (Ac. 5:32)
a. Refers to the power of the Holy Spirit given to the apostles to reveal and confirm the gospel with miracles
b. Is a promise to all obedient believers that they will be given the Holy Spirit
c. Served to answer the question of who was obeying God on this occasion—the Jewish leaders or the apostles
d. Is the reason you can know that preachers today who claim to be baptized in the Holy Spirit are God’s anointed

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