Were believers baptized in the Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) and should believers today seek that “Pentecost experience”?
Neither the baptism of the Holy Spirit nor the speaking in tongues that occurred on Pentecost (Acts 2) was for all Christians—neither then, nor now—and to so claim is not only false religion, but undermines the validity and value of those Divine events.
“Pentecostalism”: Belief that the events of Pentecost are being reproduced today, specifically, that Christians ought to seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the evidence of it, speaking in tongues. This is not limited to the old-line Pentecostal denominations any longer, but is claimed among Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Catholics, and even among those who claim to be members of the “church of Christ.”

? Note WHAT, WHO, WHERE, WHEN, and WHY of the promise concerning Holy Spirit Baptism - Acts 1:1-8 (See previous lesson)
Who “experienced” power of Holy Spirit on Pentecost? The information in Acts chapter one should be sufficient to show that no one today should expect to receive the promise of the correctness of the above and to confirm that the APOSTLES, NOT THE PEOPLE received power from the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues on Pentecost, let’s look a what actually happened on that day.
Who did the speaking, vv14,37? Who did the listening, vv14,37?
Who had the answers, vv37-38? Who had questions, vv37-38?
Who did the teaching, v42? Who devoted themselves to what was taught, v42?
Who worked miracles, v43? Who stood in awe, v43?

Using your answers to the questions in the previous section, complete the following.
Acts 2: vv14,37
(Galileans, v7) vv14,37-------- (Many nations, vv. 8-11)
vv37-38 vv37-38
v42 v42
(and through ch. 6:7) vv43,47

No one except the APOSTLES received power from the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues on Pentecost. To urge all believers to seek the “Pentecost experience” as occurred at Pentecost is based on the FALSE ASSUMPTION that all (or many) believers spoke in tongues that day. Moreover, it not only misunderstands WHAT happened, but WHY it happened - i.e., to REVEAL and CONFIRM the gospel of the risen King.

Pentecost--------------------------------------------- Pentecostalism of today
Apostles ----------------------------------------------------------All believers
Language people understood, vv6-11------------------- Unintelligible gibberish (Not language at all) (Must have “interpreter”)
Enabled to teach -----------------------------------------------Still ignorant
Sound from heaven -------------------------------------------???
Tongues as of fire--------------------------------------------- ???
Group experience--------------------------------------------- Individual experience

The Pentecost of Scripture does NOT equate with Pentecostalism!
Pentecostalism has robbed “miracle” of its meaning and value. Counterfeiting undermines the true. It is false. It is wrong. It is sin!
1Th. 5:19-22 – Don’t let the claims and emotionalism of Pentecostalism move you. More than that, “abstain from it!” Don’t believe it; don’t condone it; don’t fellowship it!
The “Pentecost experience” people today can and should seek: Ac 2:38; 2:41!

Quick Quiz
Choose all correct answers in the following.

1. On the first Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ
a. Over 120 people that were with the apostles were baptized with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues
b. The apostles used the power they had been given by being baptized in the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel and confirm it with miracles
c. The apostles evidenced they had received the promise of the baptism of the Holy Spirit
d. Holy Spirit baptism began to be experienced as an example to be sought by all Christians of all ages

2. Like the people on Pentecost, men today can experience
a. Speaking in tongues
b. Being slain in the Spirit and falling down
c. Repentance and baptism for the forgiveness of sins
d. Uncontrollable outbursts of emotion displayed in shouting, running, and jumping

3. When people today claim they have been baptized in the Spirit
a. We should believe them
b. We should want to have what they have
c. We should examine the Scriptures to see if what they say can be correct
d. We should try to teach them their error if given the opportunity

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