• Building, Maintaining, And Nurturing Good Relationships
• Consider One Another
• Hebrews 10:24

• Introduction
• Consider – to give careful thought to a matter, to look at something in a reflective manner, to notice (i.e. to be aware of) (Matthew 7:3, Luke 12:24, James 1:23-24 – observing; Hebrews 3:1 – consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Jesus Christ)
• The point is that we need to be thinking about each other as brethren.
• Also, we are to stir up each other – the ASV uses the word “provoke” and the NASB uses the word “stimulate”.
• It is a word that means to rouse one to activity.
• The NKJV, KJV call for us to consider one another to stimulate them.
• Later translations (NASB, ESV) say that we consider HOW to stir up or stimulate one another.
• As we “consider” our brethren to stir them up, we are going to be asking ourselves HOW we can do this.
• It is also a present tense verb – meaning this is ongoing action and thought process.
• In other words, I need to be continually asking myself, “What can I do to make my brethren better?
• What can I do to help them rather than hindering them?
• Does my behavior stand in their way or frustrate them?”

• Why must we consider one another?
• Because we need each other – be reminded, in this world, nation and state that is growing increasingly more hostile to Christians and the truth of God’s word, AND in a world where ungodliness and worldliness are tempting us everywhere we look – we NEED each other!
• We need to prefer each other (Romans 12:10).
• We need to make time to be with each other.
• Because what we do affects others – recently, we have emphasized this.
• We are specifically warned that if our behavior causes grief or stumbling on the part of our brethren, we will answer for that – 1 Corinthians 8:9, 11-12; Galatians 5:13.
• “One another” – finally, we remind ourselves that this is reciprocal conduct.
• ALL of these “one another” passages if practiced by ALL will resolve many of our differences and problems.

• We Must Consider One Another In:
• Stirring up love –
• Hebrews 10:24 – When we addressed our need to love one another, we saw how that involves considering one another.
• Romans 12:10 reminds us of this.
• Romans 14:15 as Paul addresses exercising our liberties, he notes that if your brother is grieved by your food (the example), “you are no longer walking in love.”
• Thus as we consider one another we need to ask, “What can I do to bring out godly love in my brethren?”
• The answer will involve our attitude, words, encouragement and actions.
• Stirring up good works –
• Christians are to be about good works.
• Matthew 5:16, as examples we let our lights shine so that the world will see our good works
• Acts 9:36 speaks of Dorcas (Tabitha) being a woman full of good works – she was charitable and made garments for others
• Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
• Colossians 1:10 speaks of us walking worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing him, being fruitful in every good work…
• 1 Timothy 6:10 speaks of the wealthy being rich in good works as they do good
• Titus 1:14, Christ gave Himself for us so that we might be His own special people, zealous for good works.
• Finally, 1 Peter 2:12 speaks again of our example, “having conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as an evildoer, they may, by your good works which they observer, glorify God in the day of visitation.”
• The only challenge is determining what good works involves.
• AS we consider one another, do we ask if we are provoking them to doing good things for the cause of Christ and for others.
• Does our example stir them up to strive to imitate us in this (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:1, etc.)
• In our assembling –
• One of the concerns of the writer of our text was how brethren were being left alone to take on false prophets and wolves in their midst.
• That is what was involved in forsaking them.
• That word means to abandon or desert, to separate connection with someone or something.
• The something is mentioned in our text!
• We are again reminded that we need to be thinking about (considering) one another.
• We CANNOT do this if we never see each other.
• We CANNOT do this if assembling with the saints is not important to us!
• At least this text tells us that when we abandon our brethren.
• There are so many reasons TO assemble as often as we can, that when one begins making excuses to avoid this important GOOD WORK in our lives we cannot help but wonder if that is just a symptom of a serious, spiritual “heart problem.”
• When we assemble we worship God, our creator.
• But we are also edified when this is done properly (1 Corinthians 14:26,12).
• If we want to provoke one another to love and good works, we will worship God TOGETHER WITH THEM!
• We will be in fellowship or communion with Him and one another.
In doing our part in the church -
• Ephesians 4:16 describes how the church grows.
• It is when every part does its share.
• This is not just about participating in the worship (though that is certainly included).
• It includes preparing and participating in class;
• helping to maintain purity and unity within the congregation;
• doing what you can for your brethren –
• visiting, phone calls, helping them physically if needed, etc.;
• being a light and seeking opportunity to reach others with the gospel;
• seeking to lead an erring brother back to the light (Galatians 6:1, James 5:19-20).
• It also involves volunteering to do what you can do to help relieve the burdens on others.
• Galatians 6:2 is sometimes used to deal with personal struggles in a brother’s life and rightly so.
• But could this text also describe how we are to help our brethren who are overly burdened trying to keep the church afloat?
• FOR EXAMPLE: Sometimes, evangelistic efforts fizzle out because the handful involved become worn out and discouraged.
• Often there is more work to be done than there are workers.
• Perhaps that is why Jesus said, the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few (Matthew 9:37).
• ALSO: Consider Bible classes:
• Many congregation are discontinuing classes and worship times because no one will participate or volunteer to teach.
• We cannot deny that such occasions are good works.
• It is unfair to burden a single individual (or a handful) with a continuous and never-ending class when there are others who are capable to help. (i.e. every part does its share)
• The ideal situation is when everyone who is able steps up AND TAKES THEIR TURN!
• As a result, the quality of classes is often better (because one can devote more time to preparing HIS/HER time to teach, and the teachers are not worn out).
• ALSO, such gives the rotating teachers an opportunity to sit back and learn from others.
• Am I doing my part?
• Am I doing all that I can.
• Will works of the church be hindered because we are not willing to step up and do our share?
• When someone refuses to do his/her share, that task still has to be done.
• And it falls on the hands of someone else, who is usually already very committed and doing all he/she can.
• Such is NOT considering his brethren.
• Exhortation – Hebrews 10:25.
• The word exhortation means to encourage another to do what they need to be doing.
• It is a word that portrays the idea of standing beside someone.
• This is us encouraging our brethren to keep doing the right thing.
• Hebrews 3:13 calls for us to exhort one another daily lest we become hardened to sin.
• 2 Timothy 4:2 – Timothy’s preaching was to include exhortation. (cf. Acts 14:22).
• When we consider our brethren, we will want to encourage and exhort them to stay on the strait and narrow path to heaven.
• Dealing with struggles –
• we all deal with struggles in this life.
• Even Christians have weaknesses, burdens, and faults.
• Christians become weary.
• Sometimes fighting the good fight of faith brings on ADDED struggles.
• Paul told Timothy that all who desire to live godly will suffer persecutions (2 Timothy 3:12) .
• When we consider our brethren, we will strive to help them with their troubles.
• We will seek to stir them up to stay the course, or to get back on course if they have strayed.
• Romans 14:1 calls for us to receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things (one point here is that we must remember that a babe is A BABE!)
• Romans 15:1-2, we who are strong bear with the scruples (weaknesses) of the weak.
• 1 Thessalonians 5:14 calls for us to warn (admonish) the unruly, comfort (encourage) the fainthearted, uphold (help) the weak and be patient with all.
• Galatians 6:1, if a brother is overtaken in a trespass, we will seek to restore them with a spirit of gentleness (i.e. considering them).
• 1 John 3:16-18, we are willing to lay down our lives for our brethren (as Christ did for us) and to help them, even with their physical needs (cf. James 2:14-18).
• Matthew 7:12, NEVER FORGET the golden rule.
• NOTE: But you can’t help someone if you don’t know what is going on.
• Sometimes, we need to ask for help with our struggles (cf. James 5:16).
• And if they do, we need to be careful in passing judgment! (cf. Matthew 7:1-5)

• Conclusion
• These are some examples of ways that we as Christians can consider one another.
• The bottom line is we have to care about each other and seek to stir them up for good.
• BUT, in order to be able to do this, let us realize that your ability to consider others begins with considering yourself.
• Consider Galatians 6:1!
• How are you doing in these matters?

By Carey Scott from an outline by Tommy Thornhill Jr

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