How To Identify A Pervert?
While it is true we have perverts in our neighborhoods and communities, we do not realize how common it is for many people.
Are you a pervert?
Hold off before you answer that question.

Perhaps you think that this is a strange title for a sermon.
I admit, it is not normal to see something like this coming from the pulpit.
But once we define the word “pervert”, you will see why we need to discuss this subject.
We usually use the word ‘pervert’ in speaking of people who have turned away from God’s proper use of sex.
Hebrews 13:4 speaks of the marriage bed to be honored and undefiled.
Anything that is changed in any way is to be considered a perversion of the original.
The word "pervert" is defined this way: "To turn from its right purpose, use, or meaning. To alter for the worse or for gain. To turn away, avert, divert."
It's synonyms are: "Corrupt, distort, falsify, deception, garble, misquote, misrepresent, misstate, stretch, twist.“
This is a very accurate definition of the word “sin”.

Sometimes change is good, because we are always looking for improvement in ourselves or in the products we buy.
And yes, God is always asking us to improve our faithfulness and spirituality.
But when we consider the laws of God, change what God gives us in the Bible always results in that which is evil in the sight of God.
The only change God wants is for us to turn from our evil ways and start serving Him.
Many people pervert the gospel of Christ to fit their own perceptions and their own agenda.
The apostle Paul wrote that the “gospel is the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16).
Even in the early days of the church some were twisting the scriptures for their own gain.
Paul addresses these people in Galatians 1:6-7 and 2 Timothy 4:3-4.
Many church leaders have found that the gospel of Christ in the original form does not appeal to many people.
Therefore in order to be accepted by more people, preachers and elders alter the word of God to mean things it did not originally intend.
“Oh yeah, we have to keep the natives happy” is one way of saying this.
Many have left the doctrine of sound words to gain a popularity that they feel they would never have if all they taught was the sound doctrine of God’s word.

The gospel in its purest form requires much from those who would believe and follow Jesus.
Yet preachers find it difficult to tell people they must actually submit and obey Jesus, because people want to do what they want to do, not what Jesus wants them to do.
So that they might have more followers, preachers tell people falsehoods and distortions so that they can keep an audience.
This fits the very definition of perversion.
Many people do not want to endure the hardship that a Christian is supposed to endure, so they accept a perverted gospel that does not require much on their part.
But if they want to be saved, these perverted gospels will not do that.
Only the gospel that God has given us and is presented in its purest form from the Bible can save us.
Salvation comes from God’s gospel, and not mans.
Please take the time to learn the difference.

We encourage everyone to compare God’s word with what you are taught.
If you are being taught things not found in the Bible, you need to get away from that group, because the truth is that even the truth will not provoke them to change to be in conformity with God’s word.
So, the answer to the question is this.
Not only are the ones who change the gospel are to be considered as perverts, so are the ones who follow and accept these perversions.
God will not accept those who pervert His gospel or His message.

God has a set pattern and formula that brings about salvation.
Trying anything other than what God has given us will bring the opposite result.
Anyone who chooses to change God’s word is a pervert.
Anyone who accepts what they are taught without checking to see if it is true or not is a pervert.
We must make every effort to insure that we are not a pervert.

By Carey Scott

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