Question: I Corinthians 1:5-7,
"that you were enriched in every thing by Him in all utterance and all knowledge, even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, so that you come short in NO GIFT, eagerly waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Wouldn't this imply that the Lord desires us to have all 9 gifts and that we should eagerly seek them and ask them from the Holy Spirit? Doesn't it imply that all 9 gifts are available to those that earnestly seek him and press forward into His presence? Thanks for your answers...

Answer: Hello, The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit were not ever given to one individual. There is enough evidence that few if any other than the apostles had more than one gift given to them. 1 Cor 12-14 deal with these gifts.
Notice 12:7. "to each one is given the manisfestation of the Spirit for the common good. then in v.8 For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another....and to another....and to another.
Now notice v.11 ...Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.
Now, just what were the purposes of the spiritual gifts?
Eph 4:12-13 "for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fulness of Christ.....v16 "from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the buildling up of itself in love.

Spiritual gifts were given as the Holy Spirit saw the need. The gifts lasted until the perfect will of God came into existence. That being the written word (the BIBLE). Until the written word came together to be our guide and rulebook, the Holy Spirit guided men (and women) in things of a spiritual nature. They could not be directed to read certain passages as authority. Thus the Holy Spirit guided them into all the truth.

With the written word at our disposal, the need for gifts is no longer present. After all, the gifts were to be proof for the teaching that was done.

Anyone who claims to have the gifts today always come with a gospel message that is different from the gospel message of the Bible. In fact, no one can verify that they have the gifts at all. Most of the so-called gift displays are slight of hand or deception of some form.

If anyone claims to have the gift of healing, they can meet me at the hospital of my choice so that they can convince me of their power.

So much for the soapbox.

The Corinthians did need the gifts and Paul encouraged them to seek those gifts and appreciate them all. We are under different circumstances and God does not give those 9 gifts today.

Keep studying God's word.

By Carey Scott (July2000

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