Fix The Problem
Sometimes when we have problems we do things other than fix the problems. Like, when you have engine trouble and decide to paint your car. You like your car and it is really pretty, but it is not fixed.
Many of the things the doctors do make us feel better but the problems are not fixed. They give us pain pills so we can feel better. But pain is the body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. So we mask it and we feel good for a while until the problem has gone way beyond suitable treatment.
Sadly, some religious teachers do much the same thing. The problem is sin in your life. The reason sin in your life is a problem is because it separates you from God. Read Isaiah 59:2. “But your iniquities (sins) have made a separation between you and your God” (NASV). “Your sins are the roadblock between you and God” (CEV). What stands between us and God is our sins, and they are a roadblock that even God will not want to look upon us when we have sin in our lives. 1 John 1:5 says “… that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all”. God hates sin so much that he will not look upon the soul that has sin in their life. Neither will he listen to their prayers.
So how do we fix the problem? God has already given us the solution. God sent His only Son to this world to be the Savior of the world. But there are conditions that we have to meet to allow Jesus to be our Savior. We must have a faith that is obedient to His commands.
And we must be willing to follow His commands daily with commitment and diligence. And, we must not continue in sin. Notice what Hebrews 10:26 says. “For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.” This ought to sober us up real quick.
Many religious groups teach that all one has to do to be saved is to say the sinners prayer. But the problem is that you cannot find that solution in the Bible. Many religious groups teach that once one is saved they are always saved. But this passage in Hebrews (read it for yourself) tells us otherwise.
Many religious groups want to you feel good about yourself just the same as a doctor wants you to feel good about yourself. They mask the real problem and do not fix what needs fixing. They don’t tell you to stop sinning.
Please take the steps to remove sin from your lives. STOP THE SIN. If you need help, please allow us to help you overcome sin in your life and turn your life around to dedicate it to the Lord.
God is not willing that any perish (2 Peter 3:9). You must believe that Jesus is the Son of God and died on the cross for your sins. (Acts 8:37). You must repent of your sins (Luke 13:3), you must confess Jesus as Lord (Matthew 10:32) and you must be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16). Then you must remain faithful and continue learning how to serve God (2 Peter 3:18). Let us help you on your spiritual journey. May God bless you in your study of His word.
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By Carey Scott via the Madisonville Meteor; July 15, 2009

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