Sincerely Wrong
Many people have fallen under the false notion that as long as one is sincere, that the form of worship they observe does not matter. Well despite what many religious leaders teach, it really does matter. Throughout the Bible the writers instruct the people to be careful to observe all the law, and not to drift to the right or the left, and they are to obey ALL the commands.
They also were encouraged to study and meditate on God’s words and laws (not that they would just know them but that they would DO them). There are many examples of people who acted in sincerity, but were punished by the Lord for an act of disobedience.
Uzzah (1 Samuel 6:1-11) died because he was trying to protect the most Holy sacred object in all of the Ancient world. But the ark of the Covenant was not being handled properly in the first place.
Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26:16-23) went into the temple to burn incense. What could be wrong with that? He was not a Levite. Why is it, that people today think we are under a different set of rules? The Bible is specific as to how we are to worship God. Any
way will not do. Only His way is acceptable. Even though God through Jesus offers His grace, we still are accountable to Him for our actions and thoughts. We still must obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29). It is time for you to make a decision to be sincere towards God. Sincerity is demonstrated by obedience. Have you been obedient to God? If not, let us help you on your spiritual journey. Let us show you how to call upon the name of the Lord in sincerity.
To call upon the Lord is to believe on Him, (Acts 16:31), Repent of your wickedness (Acts 8:22). Confess His name (Romans 10:9-10) Be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38, Mark 16:15-16). Be faithful unto death (Revelation 2:10).
May God bless you in your study of His word.
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By Carey Scott via Madisonville Meteor, January 30, 2008

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