The Apostle Paul wrote this Epistle to Timothy, his "dearly beloved son" (1Tim.1v1-2). He wanted to prescribe the path which Timothy should follow in troubled times, both inside and outside the Ekklesia (GSN1577).

Paul was clearly writing from a prison in Rome (2Tim.1v8). The Book of Acts ends with Paul under house arrest (Ac.28v30-31), but there is abundant evidence that Second Timothy describes his second imprisonment (2Tim.4v16-18). Most scholars believe that Paul was acquitted at his first trial. Then he probably returned to Greece and Asia Minor for more missionary work. Later, he must have been re-arrested, taken back to Rome, and beheaded. Many believe that Paul was made the chief scapegoat for Nero's burning of Rome. The insane emperor set fire to Rome in order to rebuild it to his liking. Since Nero was suspected of starting the blaze, he publically blamed the Christians for it and ordered them all to be executed. This time Paul must have been charged with being a criminal (2Tim.2v9), not a technicality, as before. Paul resigned himself to the inevitable, but he was very happy with the life of Christian service that he had lived, confident that the cause of Christ would ultimately triumph (2Tim.4v6-8). He urged Timothy to arrive in Rome before winter with a warm coat and some Scripture parchments to read (2Tim.4v13; 2Tim.4v21).

Paul's second Epistle to Timothy was written soon after the first one, approximately 66 A.D., while Paul was expecting his own execution. This was Paul's last letter.

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