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Why The World Hates God
I have watched over the years the growing animosity towards the great Creator by the people in this world. The hatred is expressed in so many ways by so many different people. I was upset when at the last Democratic National Convention, I witnessed that most of the people in that great hall displayed a vehement hatred of the mention of God's name in their platform. This has been ongoing for many years. Everywhere we look; someone is offended by God and seeks to remove our rights to worship Him. Telephone poles are offensive because they look like crosses. Public prayers are offensive to all non-Christians. The bible is labeled as hate speech in many countries, and possession of a bible could bring a prison term or death in many countries.
These people share their hatred of God. I suppose that is why socialism or communism is embraced by so many, because those systems do not recognize God or His teachings. That is also a reason so many embrace and extoll the greatness of Islam, because those people hate God just as much as they do.
Our news media and talk radio hosts try to reason their way around the obvious truth. They blame all the woes and ills of our society on various things, but the truth is the fact that people hate God. They hate God because God has given mankind a set of instructions that goes against what people want. This is nothing new, for in the Bible, we read of God's chosen people turning their back on God. They said they would not do what God commanded them, and they did not want to hear anything about the Holy One of Israel.
Those who promote abortion hate God, because God calls it murder. Those who promote homosexuality hate God, because God calls it fornication (sin). Those who promote all sorts of fornication including adultery hate God, because God calls it sin. No matter what sin one promotes, they hate God because God calls it sin. And of course the result of sin is spiritual death which happens to be offensive to even more.
Yet there are others still who display a hatred for God even though they claim to love Him. Many people are members of human institutions which God did not command, and refusal to leave such institutions is animosity against God. Many claim to love Jesus, but reject His words as authoritative. Most people in the denominations have outright rejected the Bible even though they claim it is God's word. Well, God's word teaches that obedience to God's commands will produce salvation. Whoever does not obey the Son cannot have life (John 3:36). Christ is the author of salvation to all those who obey Him (Hebrews 5:9).
Many demonstrate animosity towards God when they promote teaching contrary to the scripture. There have always been false teachers and those who would preach perverse doctrines of men. They get away with it because the people want it so. But such is deceptive because in the end, they will give an account to God who will judge them based upon what they did, and not what they felt in their hearts.
Jesus warned that His disciples would be hated because of Him. That is as much true today as when He spoke it. Most people in the world despise a God who seeks to control and dictate their lives. So they attempt to live life without the restrictions that God has put on them. They think they are enlightened and beyond God's reach, but in the end, they will still die and face God in judgment.
By Carey Scott.

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