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True Evangelism
One does not have to be a professional preacher to evangelize. The Greek word used that is translated to evangelize just means to proclaim or speak in reference to faith or something else. The word evangelist denotes the one who proclaims, rather than the one who holds an office called the preacher.
One can be passionate about a hobby and as they go around and meet people, it is not long before this one starts telling them about their hobby. Maybe it is model trains, arrowhead hunting, dove hunting or something else. Whatever it is it does not take long for someone to realize they are passionate about their hobby.
When was the last time you saw someone passionate about their faith? When was the last time you remember someone at church so excited about their salvation that they were telling others about how they feel? My guess is that it has been too long.
As with any emotion, there are peaks and valleys. Some start with high emotions and over time they fade into the valley. Our faith may start out with zeal and excitement, but there is no atmosphere for it to continue. Often times, those who have been around for a long time will ask you to tone it down a bit. Why? Why should you not be allowed to express your joy over your salvation? I have seen this too often. I have seen young men with zeal who wanted to talk about the Bible, and the old timers begin to avoid this one. The problem here is the fact that the old timers have become complacent and lazy. Those who have invested so much time into their faith should be proud of it. But somewhere along the line they just fell into the valley and wondered the use of trying to get back to the peak.
In the first century, the disciples went everywhere preaching the word (Acts8:4). Why are we not doing that ourselves? One might respond that is what we pay the preacher for. Last time I checked, every Christian is a preacher or teacher in some form or fashion. We are a royal priesthood according to 1 Peter 2:9 . notice that whole verse: "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;"
Sure, not all can or should occupy a pulpit, but that should not stop them from sharing the greatest message to mankind. God's salvation is for all, and it appears many are keeping it to themselves. This is not good.
Many suggest you must go to school to learn how to preach or evangelize. Well, that is just one way to do so. Everyone one of us has opportunities to share the gospel message. How hard can it be to tell someone that Jesus, the Son of God, died on the cross for you and me?
The best evangelism tool we have is our example. If we are living like a true Christian, we will be sharing Jesus with others. If we stand for the truth, there is no room for the error that leads souls to hell. The great commission was given primarily to the disciples, yet we also know that the commission was extended to all the faithful. Go make disciples; Go preach the gospel; Be an example. Follow the instructions given to us to spread the word and increase the knowledge of Jesus Christ among the people. That is the only hope for souls and by extension this nation or any nation upon the earth.
By Carey Scott

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