In the New Testament recording of the ministry of John the Baptist, we read that when the Lord Jesus Christ arrived on the scene, John announced: "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (Jno. 1:29,36). The text goes on to reveal: "One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, 'We have found the Messiah' (which is translated, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus" (Jno. 1: 40,41). This testimony of one brother bringing another brother to Jesus emphasizes the importance of personal evangelism.

All Christians are challenged to reach out to family members neighbors, co-workers, classmates and everyone we know and meet from day to day. Children of God have the precious gift of salvation from their sins and the hope of eternal life. It is their burning desire, or should be, to share their gift of salvation with everyone that they can. Much like Andrew, all followers of Christ should desire to bring the people they know to the Lord of glory.

Understanding the importance of personal evangelism and knowing how to approach those who are lost in their sins will help believers be actively involved in sharing Jesus. Often all we need to get involved is those around us encouraging us to do the work. Like in most spiritual work it is good to go to school -- become a disciple willing to learn ways to do what God has asked you to do..

All of us can share Jesus. All of us can invite people to come and hear the Words of the Savior of the world. All of us know our personal story of how God saved us through His Son and His Word and are able to share that with the people we know and meet day in and day out. Why not engage in personal evangelism every day? Bring others to Christ that they might be saved from their sins.

By Ron Drumm.

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