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Remember Who You Are
There is a song that I came across recently(#20 in the Hymns for Worship Supplemental by R J Stevens music). I will try to learn it so I can lead it. The title of the song is the same as the title of this article. It serves as a reminder that we are not our own because we were bought with a price. The price was the blood of Jesus.
The first line of the song reads: In His image God created you; In new birth He gave you life anew; And His matchless love you now proclaim; You must live to glorify His name. Genesis 1:26 proclaims that man is created in the image of God. As we put on Christ in baptism, we put off the old self and put on the new man; we are raised to walk in newness of life. Since God's love is so great, we should be sharing it with all we come in contact with. And finally, our duty is to glorify the name of God and cause others to do the same.
The second line of the song reads: You were bought at such an awful price. Christ redeemed you by His sacrifice. You obeyed Him and were free from sin, Peace and hope and joy and love within. The awful price was AWE FULL. Jesus sacrificed His own life on your behalf. Why? It is because you have sinned, and the penalty for sin is death. Christ died for you. We have obeyed and our obedience caused Jesus to cleanse us of our sins through baptism. Thus out of joy, we live the fruit of the spirit in our lives and display the beauty of Jesus by our actions.
The third line reads: Let your light be bright and ever true; Live so others will see Christ in you. In your life a sermon sinners see what the Christian life is meant to be. Yes our light is to shine. We are the lights to the world and shine as lights. Our example is to show others the way to Christ and the salvation He offers. Christ made it His life's goal to please God and do the Father's will. Christ displayed love towards all mankind. Christ wants people to be saved, and so should we. Yes, our life is a sermon that others need to see. There is another song that we have sung with the title: "The World's Bible" which emphasizes the importance of us living as examples of Christian living to the world.
The chorus of the song reads: Christian remember who you are today; As you follow Him along the way. Tho' the way seems dark and the journey far, Strength comes when you remember who you are. We must not forget that Christians belong to the Lord. If you are not a Christian, you are encouraged to follow God's instructions so that you will be pleasing to God and receive the reward of heaven. We who are Christians must remember this fact every day and everywhere we go and pay attention to what we do. Our way is the pathway towards heaven, and we should be inviting others to join us on that straight and narrow pathway. Yes there are pitfalls and problems in this life, but we should be able to gather strength just knowing that God is on our side and Jesus is pulling for us. God sent the Holy Spirit to guide us along this way, and that is where the strength of our faith should take us.
Sometimes our songs are great teaching tools, and sometimes they express our thoughts better than we feel we can express them. Such songs are for our benefit and this song can be a great reminder of who we are and what our duty should be. I dare say that most of the time when we fail Christ; it is because we have forgotten who we are.
By Carey Scott

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