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Long Lines
One of our many frustrations in this life occurs when we have to wait in line. There have been news stories lately about long lines in airports. We read of long lines to purchase tickets for concerts. There are times when we are driving in traffic and all we can see is a long line of vehicles just waiting for the opportunity to get past the problems.
For the most part, we seem to have adjusted to long lines as a fact of life. Often, we have no problem waiting in a line as long as we get what we want. We will usually get to our destination, and we will get through the line to get to our plane, and we will get our tickets for the concert. Yet still the long lines are bothersome and we would much rather be somewhere else.
Someone might think that the line on judgment day will be extremely long with billions upon billions being judged by God. But the waiting line will not be long. In fact, the moment you die, you will appear before God and be judged by the things written in the books as we read in Revelation 20. We will be gathered into one of two groups: the sheep on the right and the goats on the left as we read in Matthew 25. And we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ as we read in numerous places in the Bible. But we will not have to wait. The moment you pass from this life, you will know your destiny as a result of your judgment. You will be either in heaven or hell. There is no other place you will go.
One might think with the millions of souls in heaven that you would have to wait in a line to talk to God and speak to Jesus. Actually, we will have full access at any time we choose, because we will always be with the Lord. And that will last forever and ever.
Even now, when it comes to approaching God, we do not have to wait. We have the privilege of prayer available to us and if we are in a right relationship with God, we can speak to Him anytime. The great thing about that privilege is realizing that God will pay attention every time you pray. Of course, we must remember to pray according to His will as we read in James 1:6.
We do not have to wait in any line to receive any of God's blessings. If we are in Christ, we have all spiritual blessings as we read in Ephesians 1:3. God is ready and willing to do good to those who are His own special people that we read about in 1 Peter 2:8.
There will be no lines in heaven because there will be no people. There will be no bodies to stand in line. We will have immortal spiritual bodies and we will all be one in the presence of the Lamb. It will be an honor to worship Him forever, and we will do so with gladness and joyful singing.
Long lines are only for this life. Some may hope that there will be very long lines on judgment day, hoping to put off what is inevitable, but that will not happen. Some people learn to deal with long lines. Some plan for them and leave early expecting such, and are prepared in their mind to put up with the lines. But every now and then, we are unprepared and we get upset if we have to wait in line.
You will never wait in a line if you are waiting on God.
Seek the Lord your whole life.
By Carey Scott

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