Rules For Growing Christians
1. Don’t neglect your Bible. It is your sword for conquest, your hammer for construction, your guiding light (Rev. 1:3).
2. Don’t neglect your prayer time. It is the breath of the soul (Luke 18:1).
3. Don’t neglect your worship. It is your greatest opportunity to express your thanksgiving before your Savior (Phil. 3:3).
4. Don’t neglect your part in the church. It is your heavenly family upon the earth, and you help it to thrive (Eph. 4:11-16).
5. Don’t neglect your kindness to others. It is how we show the love of Christ flowing through us (Heb. 13:16).
6. Don’t neglect your body. It is the capital on which you will do the Lord’s business the rest of your life (1 Cor. 6:19-20).
7. Don’t neglect your mind. It is the seat of creativity and inner strength (Phil. 4:8).
8. Don’t neglect your laugh. It is the medicine that will help keep your heart healthy and happy (Pro. 17:22).
9. Don’t neglect your reputation. It is what people will be thinking of when they hear your name (Matt. 5:14-16).
10. Don’t neglect your duty of the Great Commission. It is how people are led to Christ (like you were - Matt. 28:19-20).

- adapted by Edd Sterchi.

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