Fallen Angels/Demons

I have included “demons” along with “fallen angels” in the title because I believe that the demons we read about in the New Testament era were fallen angels. I will seek to prove this as the article progresses. But first note two scriptures that definitely deal with fallen angels.

“For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment” 2.Pet.2:4. “And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own habitation, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day” Jude 6.

First, what are angels? The word “angel” in the OT, from the Hebrew – Malakh, ca. 108 times. In the NT, Greek – angellos, ca.186 times. Its basic meaning is messenger, one sent, one that delivers a message, sometimes human, Hag.1:13; Mal.2:7; Mk.1:2, sometimes heavenly Heb.13:2; Matt.28:3; Acts 1:10-11. In either case, human or heavenly, they were created to carry out the will of God Ps.103:20-21.

In the heavenly sense angels are a special creation of God who created all things Gen. 1:1. He designed all things to work in harmony with His divine plan. Ps.19:1-3, and this includes angels who were created to do His will Neh.9:6; Ps.148:2-5; Ps.103:20-21; Col.1:16. They were created before man Job 38:4, 7. Note Heb.1:7 (Ps.104:4) called “spirits” (KJV) “winds” in the Septuagint version.

These angels are neither human or God, but spirit beings higher than man Heb.1:5 (Ps.
8:4-5); 2:9-10; 2:16-17. Jesus was God in man, not God in an angel. They are ageless and sexless. They were created as moral beings, “sent forth to do service for the sake of them that shall inherit salvation” Heb.1:14. As created moral beings, they were endowed with free will, thus subject to sin. I know this is so since we are told the fallen angels “sinned.” The very definition of sin is lawlessness and unrighteousness 1.Jn.3:4; 5:17. And we learn from 2.Pet.2:4; Jude 6 that some angels did sin.

These fallen angels “sinned” by rebelling against God. They chose not to “keep their proper domain, but left their own habitation,” so God “cast them down to hell” (tartarus) and “has reserved (them) in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day.” These angels were not satisfied with their position or rank (proper domain) God had assigned them, so they left (rebelled against or abandoned their habitation). As a result God cast them down or bound them under chains of darkness. These were not literal chains, but figurative. The phrase is a metaphor, meaning they were restricted or restrained by God. They could do nothing unless He permitted them to do it. They were confined to “Tartarus,” a descriptive term for the section in hades, answering to the place of torment in Lk.16:19-31. All people go to hades (the abode of the spirits after death). The spirits of the good dead will be in Abraham’s bosom/Paradise Lk.23:43; Acts 2:25; 2.Cor.12:4, and the evil dead will be in torment/tartarus.

Now let’s make another observation about these fallen angels. It is my belief that some of these fallen angels were the demons who afflicted people in the first century. Think with me.

What are demons and where did they originate? The word, “demons,” translated as “devils” in the KJV is an inaccurate translation. The correct translation is “demons.” The Greek word for demon is daimon or daimnion (79 times in the NT) and means evil Lk.8:2, or unclean Mk.5:12-13 spirits, and there are multitudes of them Mk.9:5 (legion). The Greek word for devil is diabolos aka as Satan, the slanderer, false accuser, and there is only one Devil.

Several passages in the NT point to the fact that these demons are the Devil’s angels Matt.12:24; 25:41. The Devil or Satan is called the “prince of the power of the air” Eph.2:2. “ruler of this world” Jn.12:31; 14:30; 16:11, “ruler of the demons” Matt.9:34; 12:24; Mk.3:22; Lk.11:15.

In connection with the above thoughts, we know that demons, under the control of the Davil, their commander in chief, worked in the material world during the NT era. Demon possession was a phenomenon for the time of Jesus and His apostles 1.Tim.4:1; 1.Jn.4:1. There is no record in the OT of demons possessing anyone, even though they were associated with pagan and false religions Lev.17:7; Deut.32:17; 2.Chron.11:15; Ps.106:37. When we come into the NT, we find them possessing people causing them to act in strange and dangerous ways. What was done was beyond the power of an ordinary man, not possessed by a demon. But they were cast out by Jesus and His apostles Mk.5:8-9; 9:27; Lk.4:33-35; 8:28-29; Acts 16:16-17; 19:15. (This article will be concluded in the next issue).

by: Tommy Thornhill

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