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Do You Feel The Excitement?
I feel it. I never thought that I could experience this in a lifetime, even though I had hoped it could be. Here in Ranger we are growing and souls are being saved. We just need to keep it up. Let us notice some things we should be excited about. Perhaps if we are excited enough, we will be excited enough to share the message of the good news of God.
It is exciting to see people change their lives for the better. Sure it is not an easy task by any measure. Yet with patience we work with them and work to develop their spiritual lives which will pay off in the end.
It is exciting to see the joy on the faces of those who have shared the gospel message when their friends obey the gospel. There usually is a fresh zeal present when people realize that God has been merciful to them. They are excited enough to invite their friends and neighbors to worship services. Those of us who have been around awhile need to find the zeal that was once ours and reignite it to work in the Kingdom.
It is exciting to see members growing spiritually stronger. This happens when they apply themselves to study and learning of God's word. This happens anytime they are out in public and have the opportunity to teach someone the truth of God's word. So many people have failed to learn God's word properly, and we all can surely help guide them in the right direction.
It is exciting to preach the message each week to people who appreciate the effort put into the lessons. Often times there are words of encouragement or thanks. It is also exciting to know that the members believe the truth is being taught and they support such teaching.
It is exciting to spend time with our brethren not only in the worship service or class arrangements, but privately in our homes or getting together to eat a meal somewhere. Our members are great people, and it should excite us whenever we get together for any reason. We should also get excited about going to gospel meetings in other places. Yes, it requires some travel and gas expense, but doing so encourages us and lifts us up. We also have the opportunity to lift up brethren in other local congregations. We benefit by focusing upon spiritual thoughts and such environments are very good for supporting that growth we go through.
Our upcoming gospel meeting should excite us as we have the opportunity to invite our neighbors, friends, family, coworkers, and even strangers. We should invite them with excitement in our voice, as we know the truth that saves will be preached, and who knows if someone else will be baptized into Christ. I am sure most of us are thinking that if our friend comes they might obey the gospel call. It has happened twice this year, and there is no reason that God's call will not touch a heart seeking to serve a better purpose.
We need to show this excitement in all we do. Parents have the charge to train up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Our children should see excitement on our face as we prepare to go to church. Remember that their precious souls are in your charge. Your children will most likely treat the Lord the same way you do.
We all set an example before others in our daily activities. Whether it is on the job or at school or a spot of recreation, we should influence those around us. At the very least, we should make our coworkers and associates aware that we are more interested in spiritual matters, than of their sexual escapades.
Excitement can be contagious. We need to share it and encourage each other more and more. We have to realize that it is possible that this privilege of serving God and being excited about the Bible and the church could be taken away from us. If we maintain our faith and zeal, no matter what happens, we can still go to heaven. After all, that is our goal.
See if you can think of other ways to be excited in doing the Lord's work.
By Carey Scott

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