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Do What You Can Do
We all get to that point in life where all we can do is what we can do. Sure, most of us want to improve ourselves as much as possible, but there will come a time in which that becomes impossible. As long as we are able to grow, we should grow as much as possible. This requires effort on our part. When we stop growing spiritually, we are pronounced dead. The church at Sardis in Revelation 3 thought everything was fine, but Jesus tells them they are dead. The members of the church were told to wake up and do those things God required of them. They had a chance. Once our physical life is over, we lose all chances of getting right with God.
While we are alive, God expects us to grow in grace and knowledge (2 Peter 3:18). Honestly, most of us do not even pretend to make such effort. We have too much in this life that occupies our time, energy, and attention. That is our problem; we have too much going on in our lives. It is time to evaluate just how really important these things are compared to the eternity that awaits us. James (chapter 4:14) says that our life is but a vapor that is here for just a little while then it is gone. As we age, it seems that time passes by faster than before. We all know that one of these days, will be our last. We cannot wait on that day to get right with God. We have to start now, before it is everlastingly too late.
2 Corinthians 13:5 commands us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. I might suggest that the command implies that we should examine ourselves to see if we have enough faith to carry us into heaven. But that can be deceptive, as we usually feel better about ourselves than others would. We can deceive ourselves into believing that we are good enough, but what would the great Judge say about us? We should not wait around for that time.
We each need to put forth a greater effort than we have in the past. We need to study more so that we can know how to behave among others. We need to know assuredly that our actions in church are proper. We must treat each other better than we expect to be treated. We need to work on our reputation among people of this world. We need to live a life that puts God and Jesus as the primary focus. We need to be like Jesus.
There are many passages that call for us to become holy, separate from this world, and spiritually minded. We are to "set our affections upon things above, and not this world"(Colossians 3:1-4).
While we may never be perfect as the great God above, we are commanded to be perfect like Him. That should be our goal, and we should not lose heart if we are trying to be the best we can be for the Master.
Seek God, and keep His commandments. That is all He is asking us to do.
By Carey Scott

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