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Non-Patternists Follow The “Cain Syndrome”

OK, I just made up the thing about the Cain Syndrome, but when we read how Cain treated God, we will understand how the non-patternists treat God. Genesis 4 is where we read the account of Cain and Abel bringing their offerings to God. For Cain, the scripture says that the Lord had no regard for Cain’s offering. So Cain became very angry. God asked Cain why he was upset and God explained that if Cain would do what was commanded that things would go well with him. If Cain continued this course of doing what he wants instead of doing what he has been told, God explains that sin is at the door and will overcome Cain. Cain was told to become master over his sin, yet he did not.

The problem with non-patternists is that they follow in the steps of Cain. They offer to God whatever they want with no regard to what God has already required through His word. The difference is that these days the Lord does not interact with people like before, so they have no idea that their offering is offensive to God. They think they are just fine. That is the way with most sin. As long as people are not zapped by lightning, they feel that things must be OK with God. The problem is that God has spoken and already addressed what He desires in the form of worship and godly living.

The next problem that Cain had is the fact that he expressed his displeasure to his brother. Perhaps Abel told him that Cain should have offered what God wanted and not what he felt like offering. Either way, Cain decided to kill his brother. Cain got rid of the competition. Perhaps he thought that if Abel was not around to do it right, maybe God would accept the next best thing. Non-patternists cannot survive without trying to make the patternists out to be horrible people with no love in their hearts and just plain old mean-spirited people. Perhaps if they make the patternists look horrible, they might feel that they can start to shine. Once again, the problem lies in the fact that God has already given mankind the pattern for worship and living. Those who fail to follow God’s pattern will be lost. So no wonder that the non-patternists are always upset with those who would promote doing God’s things in God’s ways.

We can learn a lot by just reading our Bibles. Non-patternists seem to ignore the Bible, yet want to promote themselves as being in touch with God. That will not work. The only way to be in touch with God is to walk according to the pattern of sound words.
By Carey Scott

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