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Do You Belong To The Lord?
I am sure that most people would answer "yes" to this question. No doubt, many reading this article do belong to God. Many claim to belong to God, yet by their lives they demonstrate that they are serving Satan and this world. Sadly, many people on this earth do not even know that there is a God, and many more worship a god that is not the LORD God of heaven we read about in the Bible.
In Psalm 24:1, we read: "The earth is the Lord's and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it". There is a sense in which everyone belongs to God, after all, it was God who created it and He has supreme authority over it. Knowing this, it behooves us to acknowledge the greatness and authority of our God. We do not understand His ways, yet we learn to trust that He is working things out for us for our good (Romans 8:28).
In Romans 14:7-8 we read: "For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself; for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord's". We belong to the Lord whether we obey Him or not. We are His creation, and He designed us to be a people that serve Him. Sadly many choose not to serve our God. But either way, in the end, God will hold each and every one accountable for their actions.
Because we belong to something greater than ourselves, we carry responsibility to that entity. Being a part of a team means doing what you can to advance the team and not just yourself. Belonging to God places a responsibility upon us to promote God and carry out His will for all mankind. Belonging to a community places a duty upon each citizen to assist the community to prosper along with all the inhabitants. Belonging to a church carries obligations as well. We are a part of each other and we have a duty to help each other get to heaven. Sometimes tough love needs to be practiced, and always allow love to be the ultimate factor in our behavior and lives.
If we are going to claim to belong to God, we had better be displaying that by our lives and actions.
By Carey Scott

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