Debate on the topic of a sponsoring church arrangement.


The Bible authorizes the local church to receive an evangelist's funds from other congregations and send those funds to an evangelist who is laboring in a mission field. This arrangement is referred to a sponsoring church arrangement.

Affirm: Darrell Broking

Deny: Carey Scott


The Bible teaches that the sponsoring church arrangement is a violation of local autonomy and without Biblical authority.

Affirm: Carey Scott

Deny: Darrell Broking

As far as rules are concerned we will limit the debate to the issues and not personalities. The person in the affirmative must prove that which he affirms and the person in the negative must answer the arguments of the affirmative. Each proposition will be limited to three affirmatives and negatives. The two propositions above will be debated. During each debate it is agreed that no new material will be brought into the third affirmative and negative. The participants agree to be flexible and allow follow up comments to be made after the debate.

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