This is set to the tune “When This Passing World Is Done”

I wrote this poem to encourage Christians who are suffering persecution.
Verse 1: The Devil persecutes us and is always tempting us to sin but Jesus has freed us from the power of sin.
Verse 2: Men persecute us but, if we endure, our reward in heaven is great.
Verse 3: We suffer persecution all our life but our hope will become reality when we see Jesus face-to-face.

Inspired by 1 Peter 2.21-25; Matthew 5.11-12; 1 John 3.1-2

* means you must sing very quietly
** means you must sing very loudly

When the Devil tempts you sore
And you just can’t take no more
Think of all that Jesus bore
How He suffered all the more
*Say when Satan tempts you sore
**“I don’t have to sin no more”

When men hate you without cause
When you’re suffering for your faith
Don’t be anxious on your part
Praise the Lord with all your heart
*Though you’re suffering all their hate
**Your reward on high is great

When the course of life is run
All our suffering will be done
There is nothing to compare
With the joy that we’ll know there
*When we’ve run the Christian race
**We’ll see Jesus face to face

by Becky René Copyright©BeckyRene.2008

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